Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Thursday Think Tank - #19 - Color

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.
~Rabindranath Tagore

This week we have a simple approach to The Thursday Think Tank. Lately we have been a bit complicated and could possibly be limiting some of our member’s creativity with our prompts. We have decided to bring it back to simple.

Our prompt is color.

Whatever that word inspires in you we want to read it. What’s your favorite color? What is the color that you last see when you go to sleep. Colors remind us of seasons, our lovers, the good times and bad times, so much of our lives are bathed in color.  Share some of those colorful moments with us here. We look forward to reading your poems.

If you have a prompt idea that you would like to suggest or share with us please send it to . We keep a folder set aside with all your suggestions and just might use it one day.

There 3 simple rules:

1. Don’t link to more than 2 poems per week.

2. Please visit some of the other poems linked here when you link to yours.

3. Leave a comment after you have posted your link.

The Thursday Think Tank Participants
1. Ruth
2. Old Ollie
3. Weasel
4. Sherry Blue Sky
5. lovely bubbles
6. EllasEdge
7. Skylover
8. Old Ollie
9. Paul Andrew Russell
10. Mary
11. Mary
12. Square Corner
13. dasuntoucha
14. Susannah
15. PinkLady
16. "Pink" -pt
17. Hope Whispers
18. signed...bkm
19. Abigail Pearl
20. Umapoems
21. amanda
22. pamela
23. ninotaziz
24. River

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  1. Yes, Simple is good:) I saw the first word, Clouds, and got all excited - being a sky-watcher........will think on color......but methinks some clouds are going to creep into this poem somewhere!

  2. linking with an older poem that I happen to like :) - I do love this prompt, thank you

  3. This one is part of the on going history of the Tired Monk.

  4. Oh a new Mr Linky......a treat for you kids, just posted some glorious Tofino beach photos for your enjoyment! Sigh. Made me homesick!

  5. I found this hard, I kind of went in a dream like direction, but I may write another one, when time permits~ Interesting prompt ;-D

  6. I've linked a poem I wrote a very long time ago, back when I first started experimenting with words. I splashed a lot of colour around back then :)

  7. I had a bit of childish fun with this. :-)

  8. Robb, I think color is an important topic. I wrote my poem today after contemplating your topic. I took it in a different direction than most, but I truly believe it is an important direction!

  9. This is from the Square Corner archive. Hope you like a blue sky.

  10. i have a haiku for this prompt. a quick read for everyone. :)

  11. I awoke with mine in my head, inspired by my man's beautiful eyes. :-)

  12. My inspiration for this one was a wonderful family and their wonderful sense of humor...

  13. he is mine on color it is an old one - put one of my favourites on color....thanks.. bkm

  14. What a coincidence! Your theme is color and I just wrote a poem which - like most of my poems - has a large focus on color. It's in the title lol.

  15. wonderful prompt enjoyed reading so many of the entries.

  16. I chose a poem I wrote last May to a crayon box prompt, one of those poems I wouldn't have written without a prompt, and am glad I wrote.

  17. This prompt brought to mind, some unpleasant experiences I have had in the past few months.

  18. I am posting quit late but colors. I have a great poem for this theme called "Dating Blues" :)

  19. Robert,
    Sorry that my poem has been posted a little later than usual. I have had a mixed week of some of the good and the sad aspects of life.
    I enjoyed the time spent with the 'taste and flavour' of my words!



  20. sorry for late post people..
    i have posted my share for the prompt COLOR..
    excited to read everyone's creative work as well..

    Happy sharing !

  21. just posted another colour piece... wrote it yesterday, forgot to link it :)

  22. Robert,
    I'm not sure that my poem linked properly,
    so I have re-linked again!


  23. loved the prompt. off to read what others have offered

  24. My first time posting poetry online; anything writing I've done has been on paper. What a funny thing, poetry meets the internet.

    I feel lucky to have found this group.


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