Sunday, December 15, 2019

Pantry of Poetry and Prose #8

Chelsea Cake Photography, Pinterest
“It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts.” – K.T. Jong 

I woke to a plethora of birthday wishes and with a huge smile on my face. Thank you so much everyone for making my day so special! This is Sanaa and I am back with another exciting Pantry of Poetry and Prose this Sunday.

This week, Sumana gave us the opportunity to pour our hearts out with her Midweek Motif, "A/The Moment," to which there were several great responses! 

Rosemary delighted us with "Wild Fridays: Roving the Web," where she shared various links and posts to enjoy during the holidays. Do scroll back and check it out in case you have missed it! 

For now, I invite you to share your entry, as Poets United welcomes both poetry and prose (i.e. stories, articles, essays) feel free to link anything new or old and relish in the works of others. Also, if you opt to share prose then please keep it to 369 words or fewer.

Optional: For those of you whose muse desires something, here is a beautiful poem by Ezra Pound, remember to give credit if you decide to write inspired by it.

Pierre Bamin, Unsplash
Next week Susan's Midweek Motif will be ~ The Year's End

And now, without further ado, let us dive into the Pantry! Looking forward to reading you all with a steaming mug of coffee. See you on the trail! 🍰☕


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday, Sanaa. How lovely! Has anyone else had trouble adding their links? I found Mr Linky very balky but finally managed to add my link. It is midnight where I am, so will be back in the morning to read and visit.........

    1. Mr. Link looks the same as it has always looked to me. A line for the name, a line for the URL, the privacy acceptance box and the Enter box. Let's hope no one else had a problem, and that you don't have it again.

    2. I certainly did, Sherry! ❤️ Usually when the internet service is slow then it becomes difficult to add our link on Mr.Linky. Let's hope it doesn't happen again.

  2. Happy Birthday Saana ! Your continuing reassuring presence of eloquence and gentleness is very much appreciated on this blog site.

  3. Hiya Sherry et al,

    Happy Sunday and compliments of the season to you all…
    As another year draws to a close, a new poem has only just been published on my site this week.
    Hope you enjoy and look forward to reading all your new stuff too a bit later today, as we have family coming round for Sunday lunch here soon... x ps. and a a striking purple theme for Pound today too Sherry! Certainly woke me up!!

    1. Hi Scott, Sanaa is hosting today. The purple cake (which does look delicious) is an allusion to her recent birthday.

    2. Thank you so much for linking with us this Sunday, Scott!❤️

  4. My Link in at #15 is the correct one

    much love...

    1. Thank you, Gillena. The incorrect link has been removed.

      Happiest Sunday!

  5. Happy birthday dear Sanaa!
    For some reason I had trouble linking up on my laptop, so I'm attempting to do it on my gremlin-infested Kindle. I hope it's worked. I'll try reading and commenting later!

    1. You know, Kim. I was having problem with Blogger, too. Not on this particular blog, but on a few others I visit regularly. Hm... I wonder if something is going on with Blogger.

    2. Me too, Kim. My tablet froze on this page and even on my computer, scrolling is wonky. Took a few tries to link. Every now and then a glitch creeps into things.....this may be one of the times. It is annoying, but am managing. The glitch may be only on my computer, mind you. But the tablet would not work at all on this page.

    3. Thank you so much for the birthday wish, Kim!❤️ Maybe the server was down for some time.. Blogger is usually not problematic.

  6. Sanaa love, Happiest birthday month to you! I hope you continue to celebrate beyond December and after that, too--the world is made so much brighter by a dash of sunny (Sanaa). ❤️🎂🖤

    1. Awww gosh!❤️ Thank you so much, Magaly dearest😍 Happiest Sunday to you! 🎂🍰

  7. Back from the dead... I hope for awhile : )

    1. Happy Sunday, ZQ! Heading over to read you!❤️

  8. Happy Birthday, Sanaa!
    and thanks for hosting the Pantry. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Lee San!❤️ Happy Sunday!🎂🍰

  9. I will return tonight to read and comment. Have a good Sunday!

  10. Good morning, all, and happiest of birthdays, Saana! Looking forward to a nice read this morning.

    1. Thank you so much, H!❤️ Heading over to read you!🎂🍰

  11. Hi there dear Sanaa, Sherry's just been kind enough to advise me that both Sherry and Mary have now retired from hosting this delight - so many thanks to you for taking over. And promise not to be confused and out of date again... Cos now I look more closely I can indeed see that it was you that made the master post this Sunday.

    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear SANAA,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪ 

    I had commented earlier but it didn't post. Internet dropped about that time, it has been lousy, this we are using during our Sabbatical. Enjoy every minute you can before older age catches you.

  13. Lovely pantry, as usual, Sanaa. I'm happy that you continue to celebrate your birthday. I'll be back after tonight's concert to read and hang out.

  14. Congratulations Saana. I had a day with filling my oldest son's face with smiles as we celebrated his birthday. :-)
    Took some time off from tidying up to get a post done. Now it's back to cleaning.

    1. Thank you so so much, it was a wonderful day 🎂🍰 Heading over to read you! ❤️

  15. Happy Birthday. I hoping to be more present in the pantry.

    1. Thank you so much, Susie 🎂🍰 Heading over to read you!❤️

  16. Happy Birthday and thank you for hosting!

    1. Thank you so much, Margaret 🎂🍰 loved your poem!❤️

  17. Thanks for hosting the Pantry so beautifully, Sanaa, and for that delectable piece from Pound. Glad you enjoyed the birthday!

  18. Hi Susie, Just like Sherry I was completely blown away by: "I own the light that cradles me" Great writing...


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