Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Life of a Poet ~ PattiKen and the Muses
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - #77
Do you have a poem you would like to share? Something that you just felt inspired to write and want others to read. Perhaps it’s a poem that didn’t get as much exposure on your blog as you would have liked. Maybe it’s a poem that you wrote a long time ago that you would like people to revisit. That’s what this section of Poets United is for.
Each Sunday we start a new post with a New Mr. Linky for you. This is so that you can post a link to anything you want us to read, anything at all related to poetry or prose found on your own poetry blogs. It will remain open all week so that you can show us your writings and thoughts. You can post links weekly should you chose to do so. What poetry you put here is up to you so don't be afraid to share with us!!
your link.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - #76
Do you have a poem you would like to share? Something that you just felt inspired to write and want others to read. Perhaps it’s a poem that didn’t get as much exposure on your blog as you would have liked. Maybe it’s a poem that you wrote a long time ago that you would like people to revisit. That’s what this section of Poets United is for.
Each Sunday we start a new post with a New Mr. Linky for you. This is so that you can post a link to anything you want us to read, anything at all related to poetry or prose found on your own poetry blogs. It will remain open all week so that you can show us your writings and thoughts. You can post links weekly should you chose to do so. What poetry you put here is up to you so don't be afraid to share with us!!
your link.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Classic Poetry - “'kitty'. sixteen,5'1",white,prostitute” by E.E. Cummings

Friday, November 18, 2011
I Wish I'd Written This
If I do catch your eye,
‘She has a look of my mother.’
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Thursday Think Tank # 75 - You and Yourself (I...)
If you have a prompt idea (even a Music or Film inspired one) that you would like to suggest or share with us please send it to . We keep a folder set aside with all your suggestions and just might use it one day.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Holiday Schedule and an Anthology Reminder!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Poem of the Week - Marauding Hordes (8 November, 2011)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - #75
Do you have a poem you would like to share? Something that you just felt inspired to write and want others to read. Perhaps it’s a poem that didn’t get as much exposure on your blog as you would have liked. Maybe it’s a poem that you wrote a long time ago that you would like people to revisit. That’s what this section of Poets United is for.
Each Sunday we start a new post with a New Mr. Linky for you. This is so that you can post a link to anything you want us to read, anything at all related to poetry or prose found on your own poetry blogs. It will remain open all week so that you can show us your writings and thoughts. You can post links weekly should you chose to do so. What poetry you put here is up to you so don't be afraid to share with us!!
your link.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Classic Poetry: THE HIPPOPOTAMUS by T.S. Eliot

by: T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)
HE broad-backed hippopotamus
Rests on his belly in the mud;
Although he seems so firm to us
He is merely flesh and blood.
Flesh-and-blood is weak and frail,
Susceptible to nervous shock;
While the True Church can never fail
For it is based upon a rock.
The hippo's feeble steps may err
In compassing material ends,
While the True Church need never stir
To gather in its dividends.
The 'potamus can never reach
The mango on the mango-tree;
But fruits of pomegranate and peach
Refresh the Church from over sea.
At mating time the hippo's voice
Betrays inflexions hoarse and odd,
But every week we hear rejoice
The Church, at being one with God.
The hippopotamus's day
Is passed in sleep; at night he hunts;
God works in a mysterious way--
The Church can sleep and feed at once.
I saw the 'potamus take wing
Ascending from the damp savannas,
And quiring angels round him sing
The praise of God, in loud hosannas.
Blood of the Lamb shall wash him clean
And him shall heavenly arms enfold,
Among the saints he shall be seen
Performing on a harp of gold.
He shall be washed as white as snow,
By all the martyr'd virgins kist,
While the True Church remains below
Wrapt in the old miasmal mist.
"The Hippopotamus" is reprinted from Poems. T.S. Eliot. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1920
Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965) was born in St. Louis, Missouri, of an old New England family. He was educated at Harvard and did graduate work in philosophy at the Sorbonne, Harvard, and Merton College, Oxford. He settled in England, where he was for a time a schoolmaster and a bank clerk, and eventually literary editor for the publishing house Faber & Faber, of which he later became a director. He founded and, during the seventeen years of its publication (1922-1939), edited the exclusive and influential literary journal Criterion. In 1927, Eliot became a British citizen and about the same time entered the Anglican Church.Eliot has been one of the most daring innovators of twentieth-century poetry. Never compromising either with the public or indeed with language itself, he has followed his belief that poetry should aim at a representation of the complexities of modern civilization in language and that such representation necessarily leads to difficult poetry. Despite this difficulty his influence on modern poetic diction has been immense.
by A.M. Trumble
Friday, November 11, 2011
I Wish I'd Written This
Most of his books are on Amazon. I recommend the Collected Poems because then you get the lot. Fortunately for the readers he left behind, he was a prolific poet. I don't think he ever wrote a bad poem!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Thursday Think Tank # 74 - Winter
What does winter make you think about? Do you imagine snow filled days as a wonderful thing or do you dread having to shovel for hours just to get your car out of the drive way? Do you envision a gorgeous white sunlit landscape or the ugly grey mush of the city? Maybe it reminds you of a cozy fire with the family during the holidays or maybe it makes you feel alone and long for company. Whatever it makes you remember, feel or imagine we hope this week’s topic will inspire you to write.
We can’t wait to cozy up in a blanket and sit by the computer reading all your wonderful poems about winter.
If you have a prompt idea (even a Music or Film inspired one) that you would like to suggest or share with us please send it to . We keep a folder set aside with all your suggestions and just might use it one day.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Life of a Poet ~ Dr. Baishali Mitra
Kids, the other day I read a quote from poet Mary Lou Kownacki that said, "Is there anyone we wouldn't love, if we only knew their story?" That is just so true, and is especially so this week, as we talk to our enchanting guest, Dr. Baishali Mitra, the Celestial Dreamz of Moonlight and Dreamz, who cordially invited me to call her by her beautiful nickname, Moon. When I asked her if she would grace us with an interview, she was so charming and humble and warm, she just blew me away. PLUS she lives in India, a place I have long dreamed about. So for this interview, let's pile some colorful cushions on the floor, close by the fire. Do you smell the scent of cloves and cinnamon? We are having a very specially-brewed Indian chai tea, the most delicious tea EVER. Get ready to dream, as we make a too-short visit to the beautiful country of India.

Poets United: Moon, I am so happy to be sitting down with you. To set the scene, would you like to tell us a little about yourself? You live in a glorious part of the world, rich in history and culture. Anything you’d like to tell us about life in India? I am eager to hear your story.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - #74
Do you have a poem you would like to share? Something that you just felt inspired to write and want others to read. Perhaps it’s a poem that didn’t get as much exposure on your blog as you would have liked. Maybe it’s a poem that you wrote a long time ago that you would like people to revisit. That’s what this section of Poets United is for.
Each Sunday we start a new post with a New Mr. Linky for you. This is so that you can post a link to anything you want us to read, anything at all related to poetry or prose found on your own poetry blogs. It will remain open all week so that you can show us your writings and thoughts. You can post links weekly should you chose to do so. What poetry you put here is up to you so don't be afraid to share with us!!
your link.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Classic Poetry - "The Beautiful Toilet" By Mei Sheng

The Beautiful Toilet
By Mei Sheng (Circe 14 BC)
Translated by Ezra Pound, for publication in Cathay (1915)
Blue, blue is the grass about the river
And the willows have overfilled the close garden.
And within, the mistress, in the midmost of her youth,
White, white of face, hesitates, passing the door.
Slender, she puts forth a slender hand;
And she was a courtezan in the old days,
And she has married a sot,
Who now goes drunkenly out
And leaves her too much alone.
Ezra Pound won unprecedented praise for the poetry he translated for publication in Cathay, even though the work was criticized for the westernization of Chinese names and for subtle linguistic inaccuracies.
Ford Madox Ford said, "The poems in Cathay are things of a supreme beauty. What poetry should be, that they are. And if a new breath of imagery and handling can do anything for our poetry, that new breath these poems bring . . .”
T. S. Eliot dubbed Pound the "inventor of Chinese poetry for our time" because no other credible translations of ancient Chinese poetry had previously been available until Cathay was published.
I find the poetry amazing because it verifies that people, no matter when or where they live, experience and learn via surprisingly similar struggles and challenges. What do you think?
Friday, November 4, 2011
I Wish I'd Written This
Thursday, November 3, 2011
The Thursday Think Tank #73 - The Waning Days of Fall
I was snapping photos this week, thinking what would inspire you. Take us on a different path if you will. I know we have done something similar, but this is an up close look. I like the variations of color and light. I would love to read what it inspires in your poetic eye?
If you have a prompt idea (even a Music or Film inspired one) that you would like to suggest or share with us please send it to . We keep a folder set aside with all your suggestions and just might use it one day.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Life of a Poet ~ Philip Thrift
Blog Archive
- Life of a Poet ~ PattiKen and the Muses
- The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - #77
- The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - #76
- Classic Poetry - “'kitty'. sixteen,5'1",white,pros...
- I Wish I'd Written This
- The Thursday Think Tank # 75 - You and Yourself (I...
- The Holiday Schedule and an Anthology Reminder!
- Poem of the Week - Marauding Hordes (8 November, 2...
- The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - #75
- Classic Poetry: THE HIPPOPOTAMUS by T.S. Eliot
- I Wish I'd Written This
- The Thursday Think Tank # 74 - Winter
- Life of a Poet ~ Dr. Baishali Mitra
- The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - #74
- Classic Poetry - "The Beautiful Toilet" By Mei S...
- I Wish I'd Written This
- The Thursday Think Tank #73 - The Waning Days of Fall
- Life of a Poet ~ Philip Thrift