Do you have a case of the Mondays? Do you need a break from the frenzy? Maybe your imagination and pen would like a quick escape from the begining of the new week, if that is the case, this will be the perfect post for you. In this post you will find a short list of all the sites that are live and hot today with poetry and writing prompts! At some point today all the communities listed here will be or have already put forward a fresh new idea to spark your creative urges. You can find a brief description for each prompt site below. Once you find the one that tickles your fancy just click on it and voila! It will open a new window that will have taken you right to the prompt or site. We hope your Monday is not too busy to write!
Poetry Train - Get on board and post any Poetry you like all week.
Monday's Child - Each week a classic children's illustration is posted to inspire poems, stories and fairy tales. This one is hosted by Poets United Member signed...bkm.
Bifocal Univision (Monday Photo Prompt) - A photo is snapped by Eric, use it as you see fit. You can post your inspired writings all week. This one is hosted by Poets United Member Eric Adler.
Big Tent Poetry - A prompt is offered each monday then come back and post it Friday's.
Stony River (Microfiction Monday) - 140 letters or characters is all you get to write for this prompt. You can post all week.
Inside My Poem Book (Experimenting with Poetry Forms) - Each week a new style and form is introduced for poets to write in. If you are willing to learn and try new styles this is a good place. This one is hosted by Poets United Member Uma
Mad Kane's Humor Blog (Limerick-Off) - Each week Mad Kane hosts a Limerick-Off in which she posts a limerick and invites poets to write their own limericks using the same first line. This one is hosted by Poets United Member Madeline Kane.
Poets & Writers (Writing Prompts) Each monday a workshoop quality prompt is put up. Participate to get better here. This is a wonderful and professional source for all things writing.
Remember at Poets United we are about the community so if you stumble across a great site that should be included in our Prompt/Meme Directory or posts please feel free to email us about it so we can share it with everyone!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open - #31
The Poetry Pantry
2nd Chance Poems or 1st time shares
Anything goes!! All Poems, all Poets, All Week!!
Do you have a poem you would like to share? Something that you just felt inspired to write and want others to read. Perhaps it’s a poem that didn’t get as much exposure on your blog as you would have liked. Maybe it’s a poem that you wrote a long time ago that you would like people to revisit. That’s what this section of Poets United is for.
Sunday's Muses
Do you need to be inspired today? Maybe your imagination and pen need a little push, if that is the case, this will be the perfect post for you. On this page you will find a short list of all the sites that are live and hot today! At some point today all the communities listed here will be or have already put forward a fresh new idea to spark your creative urges. You can find a brief description for each below so once you find the one that tickles your fancy just click it and voila! It will open a new window that will have taken you right to the prompt or site. We hope you have wonderful and creative Sunday!
Haiku Heights - A theme and some inspiration. You have all week to write the perfect 5-7-5.
I Saw Sunday - In words or photos you share what you noticed that previous week. Poetry is very welcome. :-) Join in and help to make this an interesting, amusing and inspiring place to visit each Sunday!
Post on Sunday if possible but the Linky will remain open all week.
Jingle Poetry (Poetry Potluck) - Post whatever you wish starting Sunday at 8pm up till Wednesday at 8pm.
One Stop Poetry (One Shoot Sunday) - Each Sunday you get the chance to meet a shutterbug. Someone thats awesome behind the camera. after learning a bit about their style and life you then are presented with an amazing photo to inspire your creativity,share writing on their linky and be sure to check the others.
Poets United (The Poetry Pantry) - A free for all. If you have a forgotten or second chance poem post it here. Dust off the cobwebs or get people to take another look. Post links all week long here.
Sunday Scribblings - One word for the entire week. See what todays selected word inspires you to write.
One Single Impression - Mainly one word to inspire you to write, sometimes a poem. You have all week to submit your response.
I Saw Sunday - In words or photos you share what you noticed that previous week. Poetry is very welcome. :-) Join in and help to make this an interesting, amusing and inspiring place to visit each Sunday!
Post on Sunday if possible but the Linky will remain open all week.
Jingle Poetry (Poetry Potluck) - Post whatever you wish starting Sunday at 8pm up till Wednesday at 8pm.
One Stop Poetry (One Shoot Sunday) - Each Sunday you get the chance to meet a shutterbug. Someone thats awesome behind the camera. after learning a bit about their style and life you then are presented with an amazing photo to inspire your creativity,share writing on their linky and be sure to check the others.
Poets United (The Poetry Pantry) - A free for all. If you have a forgotten or second chance poem post it here. Dust off the cobwebs or get people to take another look. Post links all week long here.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Stimulating Saturdays
So Saturday is here. For most it is time for rest in relaxation. What better way to unwind than with a little you time. Sit down enjoy the peace and quiet and maybe create a little bit of paradise by writing. If you need a little help to kickstart your pen then this post is here to help. Below you will find a short list of all the sites that are live and hot today with poetry and writing prompts waiting to inspire your imagination. At some point today all the communities listed here will be or have already put forward a fresh new idea to spark your creative urges. You can find a brief description for each prompt site below. Once you find the one that tickles your fancy just click on it and voila! It will open a new window that will have taken you right to the prompt or site.
Sepia Saturday - Every week a new classic photo is put on display to inspire your pen. Its well worth the visit. You can post all week.
Dishwater Dreams (Just Write Workshop) - A workshop style prompt designed to help improve your writing skills.
Remember at Poets United we are about the community so if you stumble across a great site that should be included in our Prompt/Meme Directory or posts please feel free to email us about it so we can share it with everyone!
Sepia Saturday - Every week a new classic photo is put on display to inspire your pen. Its well worth the visit. You can post all week.
Writer’s Island - 5 years and counting. A word, photo or movie helps to get your creative urges going here. You can post all week.
Dishwater Dreams (Just Write Workshop) - A workshop style prompt designed to help improve your writing skills.
Put Words Together. Make Meaning. (The Poetry Tow Truck) - A challenging workshop style prompt is put up each week. Its a good way to flex your poetic muscles.
Remember at Poets United we are about the community so if you stumble across a great site that should be included in our Prompt/Meme Directory or posts please feel free to email us about it so we can share it with everyone!
Classic Poetry - (Since I From Love - Geoffrey Chaucer)
Since I From Love
Since I from Love escaped am so fat,
I ne'er think to be in his prison ta'en;
Since I am free, I count him not a bean.
He may answer, and saye this and that;
I do no force, I speak right as I mean;
Since I from Love escaped am so fat.
Love hath my name struck out of his slat,
And he is struck out of my bookes clean,
For ever more; there is none other mean;
Since I from Love escaped am so fat.
~ Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343 – 25 October 1400)
Everyone has probably read, heard or seen some form of The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer has been in the public eye for many, many years. He is said to be the first to show the English language could be artistic. What are your thoughts on this poem? What are your thoughts on Chaucer? Do you have any poems or anything else written by him you prefer? Please feel free to share your thoughts on either the poem displayed here or Geoffrey Chaucer in the comment section below.
Poets United posts a classic poem once weekly. We want to do this to introduce classic poets and their poems to our members. It is also a way to display different styles, genres and approaches to poetry. Our intent is to further expand the world of poetry while educating ourselves.
If you have a classic poem or set of prose you are fond of please let us know by emailing it to us at
Friday, February 25, 2011
Sneak Peak - The Poetry Pantry: Thoughts That Breathe
The release of our much anticipated first ever Poets United Anthology is so very close. I have ordered one copy and it is en route to my house via the wonderful mail system. I expect to have it in hand by next Wednesday or thereabouts. Once I have proofed the actual physical copy and ensured no further revisions are needed I will publicize the information on lulu, Facebook and here and provide you with a link so that you may rush out to purchase a copy of your very own. The current price is listed at $7.50 (the download version will be free to everyone). Shipping will vary depending on location and what type you choose.
The book is a standard 6 X 9 paperback that is 105 pages long. It is filled with many wonderful poems and photos contributed by roughly 50 of our most active and talented members here at Poets United. If you were not a member of Poets United at the time we began our project or missed the cut off date for the anthology, do not worry, the opportunity will come again. We plan to produce an Anthology one to two times annually and expect to do one in August later this.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Thursday Think Tank - #37 Lemons
So that brings us to the next part of my story. We actually had a freeze here in San Antonio for a whole two days. We had a record snow fall of, wait for it…a half inch. Prior to this the tree stared at me with lonely desperate eyes. It was sitting out on the deck getting colder by the moment and I was going to ignore it. Let the miserable thing freeze. My fiancé convinced me to bring into the house and put it in our atrium with a cover it. The dang pot was heavy and I was lazy but I begrudgingly moved it. Fast forward to a month later and me, of course, being too lazy to move it back to the patio left it there. Now it sits in all its glory. Standing tall, sprouting leaves and buds everywhere, it is literally calling to me saying thank you. Once I saw that tree doing so well I took from the patio, my Lime and Pomegranate trees (bushes) and put them in our atrium hoping for the same success. Of course I just had to tell the misses “See I have a green thumb!!”
Not my tree but hopefully it can be lol
So, after all that rambling, here is your prompt; lemons. Do you take bad things and make them good? You know, make lemonade out of lemons? What has happened sour in your life that you managed to make sweet. Maybe you don’t want the analogy, maybe you want to write about a hot summer day and a cold glass of lemonade. Whatever you choose to write about include lemons.
We can’t wait to see what poems form you taking a moment to move your pen.
Thought Provoking Thursday Prompts
Its thursday and we all know this is the point of the week were the day dreams set in. You been at the grind hadr for most of the week and now you are dreaming about the weekend ahead or Friday night. Well put those daydreams down on paper. We will show you where. Below you will find a short list of all the sites that are live and hot today with poetry and writing prompts waiting to inspire your imagination. At some point today all the communities listed here will be or have already put forward a fresh new idea to spark your creative urges. You can find a brief description for each prompt site below. Once you find the one that tickles your fancy just click on it and voila! It will open a new window that will have taken you right to the prompt or site.
We Write Poems - Each week, wonderful and involved prompts are put up for all to take part in. You have all week to post your responses.
Theme Thursday - An inspiring theme will appear every Thursday. A phrase and a photo inspire your writings when visiting here. Feel free to post at any time until the following Thursday, when a new Theme will appear.
Poets United (The Thursday Think Tank) - A picture and some inspiring words are what you get here. You can post responses all week.
Thursday Tales - Here, every week on Wednesday/Thursday, they offer you a photograph to base a short story on, and no, you don't have to write thousand words!! The rules will be put up in the prompt too. And they hope you have fun writing your story(prose, no poems) on the basis of a picture.(It's harder than it seems.) Any one who participates will be added to their Tales Train.
Remember at Poets United we are about the community so if you stumble across a great site that should be included in our Prompt/Meme Directory or posts please feel free to email us about it so we can share it with everyone!
We Write Poems - Each week, wonderful and involved prompts are put up for all to take part in. You have all week to post your responses.
Poets United (The Thursday Think Tank) - A picture and some inspiring words are what you get here. You can post responses all week.
Remember at Poets United we are about the community so if you stumble across a great site that should be included in our Prompt/Meme Directory or posts please feel free to email us about it so we can share it with everyone!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Life of a Poet - Eileen T O’Neill
This interview was Written and done by Sherry Blue Sky
This quote can be found at the top of the site Words and Thoughts, and, as I have come to know this writer, it seems an appropriate one for the poet herself. Yes, we are sitting down today with Eileen O’Neill, one of our most self-effacing, but most steadily supportive and encouraging members. You’ll find Eileen’s appreciative comments sprinkled liberally throughout the blogosphere, and likely have been the recipient of many.
‘’Talent develops in a quiet place, character in the full current of life’’
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Wednesday's Words To Write By!
We have made it to the mid point of the week. The rest of the way should be smooth sailing and to help start that journey downhill you will find a short list of all the sites that are live and hot today with poetry and writing prompts waiting to inspire your imagination. At some point today all the communities listed here will be or have already put forward a fresh new idea to spark your creative urges. You can find a brief description for each prompt site below. Once you find the one that tickles your fancy just click on it and voila! It will open a new window that will have taken you right to the prompt or site.
3 Word Wednesday - 3W has been around a while and its always fun to try. You get three words here to inspire your pen. Use them all! Its amazing how a few words can tell so many stories
One Stop Poetry (One Shot Wednesday) - Every Wednesday you get the chance to share whatever you wish. Posts and links are accepted all week.
ABC Wednesday - A fun project, now in its fourth year! Each wednesday a letter of the alphabet is offered as the prompt. If you have something to share, be it a photograph, piece of art or poetry post in on your blog and link it on their page.
Remember at Poets United we are about the community so if you stumble across a great site that should be included in our Prompt/Meme Directory or posts please feel free to email us about it so we can share it with everyone!
One Stop Poetry (One Shot Wednesday) - Every Wednesday you get the chance to share whatever you wish. Posts and links are accepted all week.
ABC Wednesday - A fun project, now in its fourth year! Each wednesday a letter of the alphabet is offered as the prompt. If you have something to share, be it a photograph, piece of art or poetry post in on your blog and link it on their page.
Remember at Poets United we are about the community so if you stumble across a great site that should be included in our Prompt/Meme Directory or posts please feel free to email us about it so we can share it with everyone!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Poem of the Week - from the blue
Selected by Pamela Sayers
This poem can be found at:
We hope you have enjoyed reading this week’s selection. Each week we select a poem from one of our members which we feel is a wonderful read. It is the poetry penned by our members and their willingness to share that is the core of our community. If you enjoyed reading this poem we can guarantee there will be many more like it so be sure to stop by next week and read what poem has been selected for your reading pleasure.
This poem can be found at:
and choose an earthen stone
to ease this crusted mind
a blanket breath
of copper that begs this mortal heart
cast a shield
cast an armor from the blue
from all that is given or known of time
take passage, take a wisdom, take rest
in solitude of still
where a boundless sun
knows capture by a lady, a goddess of his own
with a virtues bail required
allowing life's repose - composed by harp of Lyra
to an ancient siren's song
(blue) awaiting
ransom by a Pharaoh
or a
wistful cloud that
drifts along
Lyra is a Northern Hemisphere constellation - the Lyre or Harp
posted for One Shoot Sunday - Photo by Sean McCormick
Lyra is a Northern Hemisphere constellation - the Lyre or Harp
posted for One Shoot Sunday - Photo by Sean McCormick
(Note: the authors name, poem title and blog website image are hyperlinked to the poets site. By clicking on any of these a new window will open and you will be taken directly to the highlighted site. )
We hope you have enjoyed reading this week’s selection. Each week we select a poem from one of our members which we feel is a wonderful read. It is the poetry penned by our members and their willingness to share that is the core of our community. If you enjoyed reading this poem we can guarantee there will be many more like it so be sure to stop by next week and read what poem has been selected for your reading pleasure.
Titillating Tuesday Prompts
It seems you have survived the first day of the week because you are reading this right now. Does it mean you need a pick me up? Does your imagination and pen want a short escape from the daily grind? If that is the case, this will be the perfect post for you. In this post you will find a short list of all the sites that are live and hot today with poetry and writing prompts! At some point today all the communities listed here will be or have already put forward a fresh new idea to spark your creative urges. You can find a brief description for each prompt site below. Once you find the one that tickles your fancy just click on it and voila! It will open a new window that will have taken you right to the prompt or site.
Magpie Tales - A unique photo prompt is posted every Monday by Willow the talent behind Willow Manor. These photos are always fun, quaint and pen inspiring. A lynky is supplied for you to share your work and read others.
Carry on Tuesday - A song, verse or famous phrase inspires your pen here. You are offered a bit of a song, verse from poetry, or famous phrase form somewhere. Use it it all or just bits to inspire your poem and then post it to the Carry On Lynky. Be sure to visit and comment on other posters as they will yours.
Tuesday Tryouts - A worskshop style prompt to hone your writing skills is what you will find here. It is hosted by Margo Roby one of our talented Poets United members. When particpating in these prompts know that they are challenging but fun.
Remember at Poets United we are about the community so if you stumble across a great site that should be included in our Prompt/Meme Directory or posts please feel free to email us about it so we can share it with everyone!
Magpie Tales - A unique photo prompt is posted every Monday by Willow the talent behind Willow Manor. These photos are always fun, quaint and pen inspiring. A lynky is supplied for you to share your work and read others.
Carry on Tuesday - A song, verse or famous phrase inspires your pen here. You are offered a bit of a song, verse from poetry, or famous phrase form somewhere. Use it it all or just bits to inspire your poem and then post it to the Carry On Lynky. Be sure to visit and comment on other posters as they will yours.
Remember at Poets United we are about the community so if you stumble across a great site that should be included in our Prompt/Meme Directory or posts please feel free to email us about it so we can share it with everyone!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Please Welcome Our Newest Members
As of February 21st, 2011
We Currently have 187 Active and Writing Members
Below you will find a few links to the most recent members who have joined our community here at Poets United. Please give them a warm welcome by stopping by their poetry blogs and reading some of there creative offerings. All blogs are linked and will instantly open in a new window for your viewing and reading pleasure.
Magnolia Lafleur @ LoVs 'n' Mua
Rene Foran @ Not The Rockefellers
Salem Lorot @ Lorot's Poetry
Jene Andrews @ Loquaciously Yours & Laparola Vivace
Poetry Blog of the Week - The Unknowngnome Poems (21 Feb 2011)
At poets united we are all about our community so please take the time support your fellow poets by visiting our blog of the week.
Our Blog of the Week is:
We Suggest the following poems for your reading pleasure:
Black Fantastic (24 August 2010)
A Toast (31 December 2010)
We hope you enjoy visiting the highlighted blogs. Thank you for supporting your fellow poets and I am sure we will soon see your blog highlighted here.
~ Poets United
Our Blog of the Week is:
The Unknowngnome @ The Unknowngnome Poems
Black Fantastic (24 August 2010)
A Toast (31 December 2010)
My Writings Disrobed (26 January 2011)
Every week at Poets United we try to introduce our members and readers to a poet and poetry blog found here in our community. Poets United is about reading, writing and enjoying one another’s poetry and this just one more way to show our support for one another.We would love to hear your comments on this poet’s blog and poetry so please come back after visiting the blog of the week and let us know your thoughts.
We hope you enjoy visiting the highlighted blogs. Thank you for supporting your fellow poets and I am sure we will soon see your blog highlighted here.
~ Poets United
Manic Monday Writing Inspirations!
Do you have a case of the Mondays? Do you need a break from the frenzy? Maybe your imagination and pen would like a quick escape from the begining of the new week, if that is the case, this will be the perfect post for you. In this post you will find a short list of all the sites that are live and hot today with poetry and writing prompts! At some point today all the communities listed here will be or have already put forward a fresh new idea to spark your creative urges. You can find a brief description for each prompt site below. Once you find the one that tickles your fancy just click on it and voila! It will open a new window that will have taken you right to the prompt or site. We hope your Monday is not too busy to write!
Poetry Train - Get on board and post any Poetry you like all week.
Monday's Child - Each week a classic children's illustration is posted to inspire poems, stories and fairy tales. This one is hosted by Poets United Member signed...bkm.
Bifocal Univision (Monday Photo Prompt) - A photo is snapped by Eric, use it as you see fit. You can post your inspired writings all week. This one is hosted by Poets United Member Eric Adler.
Big Tent Poetry - A prompt is offered each monday then come back and post it Friday's.
Stony River (Microfiction Monday) - 140 letters or characters is all you get to write for this prompt. You can post all week.
Inside My Poem Book (Experimenting with Poetry Forms) - Each week a new style and form is introduced for poets to write in. If you are willing to learn and try new styles this is a good place. This one is hosted by Poets United Member Uma
Mad Kane's Humor Blog (Limerick-Off) - Each week Mad Kane hosts a Limerick-Off in which she posts a limerick and invites poets to write their own limericks using the same first line. This one is hosted by Poets United Member Madeline Kane.
Poets & Writers (Writing Prompts) Each monday a workshoop quality prompt is put up. Participate to get better here. This is a wonderful and professional source for all things writing.
Remember at Poets United we are about the community so if you stumble across a great site that should be included in our Prompt/Meme Directory or posts please feel free to email us about it so we can share it with everyone!
Poetry Train - Get on board and post any Poetry you like all week.
Monday's Child - Each week a classic children's illustration is posted to inspire poems, stories and fairy tales. This one is hosted by Poets United Member signed...bkm.
Bifocal Univision (Monday Photo Prompt) - A photo is snapped by Eric, use it as you see fit. You can post your inspired writings all week. This one is hosted by Poets United Member Eric Adler.
Big Tent Poetry - A prompt is offered each monday then come back and post it Friday's.
Stony River (Microfiction Monday) - 140 letters or characters is all you get to write for this prompt. You can post all week.
Inside My Poem Book (Experimenting with Poetry Forms) - Each week a new style and form is introduced for poets to write in. If you are willing to learn and try new styles this is a good place. This one is hosted by Poets United Member Uma
Mad Kane's Humor Blog (Limerick-Off) - Each week Mad Kane hosts a Limerick-Off in which she posts a limerick and invites poets to write their own limericks using the same first line. This one is hosted by Poets United Member Madeline Kane.
Poets & Writers (Writing Prompts) Each monday a workshoop quality prompt is put up. Participate to get better here. This is a wonderful and professional source for all things writing.
Remember at Poets United we are about the community so if you stumble across a great site that should be included in our Prompt/Meme Directory or posts please feel free to email us about it so we can share it with everyone!
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Blog Archive
- Manic Monday Writing Inspirations!
- The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open - #31
- Sunday's Muses
- Stimulating Saturdays
- Classic Poetry - (Since I From Love - Geoffrey Cha...
- Sneak Peak - The Poetry Pantry: Thoughts That Bre...
- The Thursday Think Tank - #37 Lemons
- Thought Provoking Thursday Prompts
- The Life of a Poet - Eileen T O’Neill
- Wednesday's Words To Write By!
- Poem of the Week - from the blue
- Titillating Tuesday Prompts
- Please Welcome Our Newest Members
- Poetry Blog of the Week - The Unknowngnome Poems (...
- Manic Monday Writing Inspirations!
- The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open - #30
- Sunday's Muses
- Classic Poetry - (A Virginal - by Ezra Pound)
- Stimulating Saturdays
- Fun Filled Friday Prompts
- The Thursday Think Tank - #36 Lilies of the Field
- Thought Provoking Thursday Prompts
- Wednesday's Words To Write By!
- Titillating Tuesday Prompts
- Please Welcome our Newest Members!
- Poetry Blog of the Week - Sweeter Poetry (14 Feb 2...
- Manic Monday Writing Inspirations!
- The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - # 29
- Sunday's Muses
- Classic Poetry - (Look, It cannot be Seen by Lao Tzu)
- Stimulating Saturday's
- Fun Filled Friday Prompts
- The Thursday Think Tank - #35 Shadows
- Thought Provoking Thursday Prompts
- The Life of a Poet - signed......bkm
- Wednesday's Words To Write By
- Titillating Tuesdays
- Poem of the Week - Vantage Point - Sunning Topless
- Manic Monday Writing Inspirations!
- Poetry Blog of the Week - Stardreaming with Sherry...
- Sunday's Muses
- The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - #28
- Classic Poetry - ( O Captain! My Captain! by Walt ...
- Please Welcome Our Newest Members!
- The Thursday Think Tank - #34 I Do Bequeath...
- Prompt Directory - Over 30 Prompt Sites Listed
- Do you know of a good Prompt or Meme Site?
- Poets United Anthology
- Poem of the Week - Free Time