Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Thursday Think Tank # 83 - YES

January is behind us,as we move into the month of sentiment n' romance and yes, the Super Bowl, lol.
It is time for our photo prompt #83 Yes.  What have you chose to say Yes to?!  Is it love, something for yourself, perhaps a new health kick or maybe you are going to the Super Bowl.  Yes!
I would love for you to pen a poem in regards to something you have chosen to say "yes" to.  It can be anything.   I can't wait to read,  your poems on YES!

Our Monthly "Reflection" photo prompt is provided to us by Ella Wilson. We would like to thank Ella for her inspiring photos and for helping us out here at Poets United. If you would like to know more about Ella, see her other photos or read her poetry please visit the blog below:
Ella's Edge

If you have a prompt idea (even a Music or Film inspired one) that you would like to suggest or share with us please send it to . We keep a folder set aside with all your suggestions and just might use it one day.

There 3 simple rules:

1. Don’t link to more than 3 poems per week.

2. Please visit some of the other poems linked here when you link to yours.

3. Leave a comment after you have posted your link.


  1. GREAT prompt! What a positive way to start the day!

  2. What the heck?! I just saw this prompt so I will link to a poem I wrote earlier this morning...What are the chances?

  3. Liking and loving can mean so much. These can be shallow words, or contain the whole of existence.

  4. Isn't this crazy? - On some Blogspot sites (including this one) I can post comments only as Anonymous! So be it then... But for the record I am Ruth (

  5. Yes, yes, yes, and Yes!! Great prompt to think about :)

  6. Sorry I put the name of the poem where my name goes. Not paying attention.

  7. i have trouble saying yes.... or is it no? {smile} i think Laurie's poem has affected me.

  8. Yes, you guys and gals are great!

  9. I think I've been watching too many doomsday shows on the history channel.

  10. Challenging - personally and poetically.

  11. This is my first time at the think tank but I recognize many wonderful names!

  12. Looking for the Feb. 9 Think it missing or am I just looking in the wrong place! Is there a place to send suggestions for prompts? I am happy to help out some times.

  13. I didn't see the 9th either, but just put one in for the 2nd. It's all good...


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