Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Think Tank Thursday #90 Music

aaaah, the universal language...a lot of poems end up as music. Maybe poetry should be the universal language?!  What kind of music draws you in, speaks to your soul, makes your heart dance?

music by ~Zi0oTo


Dreamspace Reloaded 19 by `DenisOlivier

Music by ~Shairin  

Music touches us in many ways.  I think of birthdays, weddings, funerals, the drive to work, the opera, symphony, movies, ballet,  and etc.  My local grocery store plays music when I shop. It calms and soothes, even the savage beast, so they say.   I want you to pen a poem about what you love about music.  Do you play an instrument?  Do you have a favorite type?   You could incorporate your play list in your poem.  I can't imagine a world without it...can you?!   

"Music happens to be an art form that transcends language."
                                                            ~Herbie Hancock


"Music has charms to sooth a savage beast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak."
                                                                ~William Congreve
                                           "Music in the soul can be heard by the universe."
                                                                                                   ~ Lao Tzu



                                     "Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy."
Ludwig van Beethoven

If you have a prompt idea (even a Music or Film inspired one) that you would like to suggest or share with us please send it to . We keep a folder set aside with all your suggestions and just might use it one day.

There 3 simple rules:

1. Don’t link to more than 3 poems per week.

2. Please visit some of the other poems linked here when you link to yours.

3. Leave a comment after you have posted your link.


  1. Great prompt, Ellie, and I love the cool photos you found...........will be back later......

  2. Wow, I'm such a music junkie...what a great prompt! I'm sure I'll be back later with something :)

  3. Thank you Ella, and all at PU. Great prompt. Most of my writing is to music playing in the background.

  4. Another terrific prompt Ella. Thanks!

  5. Love this prompt. Music was my first love until I discovered haiku. Well see for your self.

  6. Ella- You are a great 'prompter'! Thank you.

  7. hi guys, i missed you so much, thanks for the wonderful thought on music

  8. Ella and Poets United,

    A great prompt. I really enjoyed getting into the spirit of it.

    I intended to post only two poems, but I accidently also posted a non connected one as well.....:)


    1. I couldn't reply on your site, so let me say I enjoyed your poem. I felt it singing to me.


  9. Very nice prompt post is up ~

  10. Hello, I thought YOU would like this one! I had a terrible time finding photos. I didn't want the traditional keyboard and guitar strings. ;D I can't wait to read everyone's poems! Thank you, it is good to hear positive feedback!

    Heaven, I thought of you with this one! :D

  11. ah - music, a powerful muse to be sure ...

  12. Just had to share one of my all-time fav poems about poets:

    Arthur O'Shaughnessy. 1844–1881
    WE are the music-makers,
      And we are the dreamers of dreams,
    Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
      And sitting by desolate streams;
    World-losers and world-forsakers,
      On whom the pale moon gleams:
    Yet we are the movers and shakers
      Of the world for ever, it seems.
    With wonderful deathless ditties
    We build up the world's great cities,
      And out of a fabulous story
      We fashion an empire's glory:
    One man with a dream, at pleasure,
      Shall go forth and conquer a crown;
    And three with a new song's measure
      Can trample an empire down.
    We, in the ages lying
      In the buried past of the earth,
    Built Nineveh with our sighing,
      And Babel itself with our mirth;
    And o'erthrew them with prophesying
      To the old of the new world's worth;
    For each age is a dream that is dying,
      Or one that is coming to birth.

    Keep singing fellow writers!!

  13. Thought I'd join and acquiant myself here a little!

  14. Love the topic. Mine is up, and a welcome to you, Kenny.

  15. This one took me on a journey! Thank you so much for the inspiration through image and quote! :)


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