Kids, you have responded to her great prompts for the Thursday Think Tank, may have swum in the pond with her at Real Toads, and have likely enjoyed her many talents on her own site. Today we are visiting with the wonderful Ella Wilson, of Ella’s Edge. Ella is a very talented artist, writer and photographer. She is also a very busy wife and mother. Her To Do list, any given day, makes me feel faint, so I feel very honored that she agreed to take the time to do an interview. Pull up a chair, kids. For Ella, I’m thinking: Starbucks Mocha Frappucino, with some cool music playing as we talk.

Poets United: Ella, thank you for making time for our visit. Shall we start at the beginning? Where did you spend your childhood?
Ella: I grew up surrounded by mountains, music, and movies in Maine. I lived in a small coastal town, where everyone waved and likely knew your name. A place where heaven hugged the sea and kissed the shore.
My Dad wore a star by day (co-operated a Texaco business with my grandfather). By night he showed them on the silver screen. He met my Mother at a movie theater. She was the candy girl and he the projectionist. My Dad between shows would play the guitar. I practically grew up in the Colonial Theatre.
My first job was selling tickets. It brought me out of my shell. I use to be shy, lol. Music caused a big gathering at my home. Always a party Friday or Saturday night, at least 3-4 guitars, it was a family event, with lots of laughter and sing-alongs. Dad would invite the neighbors, too, but one of them would always call the police on us, for disturbing the peace. Usually the policeman would stay for a while , until needed elsewhere. He told us to keep it down and have fun. One summer we had an addition added to our home. My Dad asked the carpenters to come to our guitar party. Two out of the three ended up buying guitars. He could sell ice to an Eskimo.
My Mom decorated cakes, sold Avon, was always volunteering at my school, and taught Sunday school. I had a wonderful childhood, till age 18, when my Dad died suddenly.
Poets United: Oh, so sad, Ella. You lost him when you were still so young.
My dad and a poem he wrote in high school.
I hadn't known that he wrote poetry,
and was thrilled to discover this.
Ella: Both my parents were very creative. Dad loved photography, music and movies. Mom was a cake decorator; she sold many wonderful creations. She also would do makeovers or style someone's hair. I spent most of my days walking uptown and to the shore. I lived a mile from the town library, which I swore one day was going to be my home.
Poets United: It all sounds wonderful. And it LOOKS like the best place in the world to grow up. So, Ella, what does your life look like now, on a normal day?
Ella: A normal day does not exist for me, lol. My son is in college, 23 yrs old, and my daughter is a sophomore in high school, age 16. My husband is in the Navy. Sometimes life is relatively normal, but not for long. The last time my husband went out to sea was on our son's birthday. He leaves and by the time I note the time, his ship had set sail...all hell breaks loose. My son calls me and says his car is the middle of four lane traffic. Off I go to rescue him, wondering what am I going to do? I figured out how close the dealership was, called him back. He manages to get it there.
My husband had said his car would need a tune up in October. I knew they were going to charge us $150 for the diagnostic test. While driving I remembered hubby wanted other things done. October had arrived early, it was in reality September. This car was going to get its tune up now, while they had it on the lift. I picked up son n' his girlfriend and took them back to the house to celebrate his birthday. We had celebrated early with his Dad. It took a few days to get car done. I had to drive him to college and work; I'm the Personal Assistant of my family. Just an hour ago, I was at my daughter's school; her glasses broke. One of the lens just fell out. They are fairly new; I took her old pair to get her by. I'll be at the vision center later this afternoon. I can never plan my free time. I just have to grab it and hope for the best. Life is never dull...
Poets United: I so know. Your emails usually leave me feeling like I need a little napJ
Ella: Life on any given day is never the same, even though I am a SAHM. I haven't always been, a car accident and fall on my deck led to back surgery. I am ready to go back to work, but not sure how it is going to fit around all of them, yet. I have worn a few hats, but the one I wore the longest, was as Switchboard Operator and Admissions clerk at a hospital, later a Hotel Operator. I use to love to page the Dr's over the intercom. I was the heart of the hospital; I kept everyone in contact.
One day I had a man drop in front of me. I had to page for help. The crash cart came and saved him. I also had bomb threats and had to go to the police station and listen to voice recordings. One night a guy with a gun was in the hospital, his wife was giving birth. Nothing happened, but it was a nerve-wracking night. The hospital said that they had never had anything like this happen till I showed up.
Ellie and Don
On a somewhat normal day, Hubby leaves by 5-6 a.m., daughter gets ready to catch school bus, and son goes off to college. I grab my second cup of coffee and try to write my morning pages. Then I am making lists and loading machines.
I am starting my Tour de Pants, this week. It is my own personal Tour de France, lol. I created an exercise plan to ride my indoor stationary bike, weather permitting, my outdoor mountain bike, to get in shape. My Last Tour, I biked to Maine on my stationary bike mostly. I logged enough to arrive at my childhood home: over 800 miles. I was so sick of the thing I couldn't ride back home to North Carolina. I walked instead ;D
I am starting my Tour de Pants, this week. It is my own personal Tour de France, lol. I created an exercise plan to ride my indoor stationary bike, weather permitting, my outdoor mountain bike, to get in shape. My Last Tour, I biked to Maine on my stationary bike mostly. I logged enough to arrive at my childhood home: over 800 miles. I was so sick of the thing I couldn't ride back home to North Carolina. I walked instead ;D
This will put me behind on blogging n' commenting, but I am prepared. I will grab my IPAD n' water bottle and will try to keep up, ha,ha. I am never bored. I am also rearranging my FROG, again-(Furnished Room Over Garage). It is an odd space, with slanted walls, more like a tiny loft. I have measured and tried to add shelves, not much luck there. A Toad with warts, but it is my Toad, I mean Frog.
Poets United: I hope you can find some peaceful time to spend in your FROG, kiddo.
Ella: I have many poetic creations I want to make. There is no way this will work, without finding my own space. My family is tired of coming home and seeing me take over the downstairs. I have hidden art and art supplies in my china cabinet. Somehow they found a way into my tea pot collection, (not much of a collection, 7 tea pots). I also collect tins (guess what is hidden in those) ssssh, don't tell...ha,ha
Don and Ellie in Alaska
Poets United: So, Ella, what has it been like, being a Navy wife? Have you moved very often?
Ella: Navy life has been a gift and a burden, for me. My husband went to sea and I was the one that felt adrift. It has been difficult for a green thumbed poet, to be transplanted so many times. We have moved seventeen times in twenty-seven years. I have worked on and off, but found it difficult to allow people I didn't know any background on to watch my children. When you live in one area, you get to know people and find out who you can trust.
I have found this lifestyle difficult to endure at times. Hubby is gone to sea for 6 months, home for 6 months. There are always adjustments to be made in life, but life changes when you are alone. You get into your own routine and then it has to shift back to the before and then the before shifts again. I have loved driving and seeing so much of the United States. I have climbed a glacier in Alaska, walked on beautiful shores in Hawaii and felt the beauty of its people. I have endured a few earthquakes, Mt. Spurr dropped ash on us in Anchorage, and many Hurricane evacuations while living in Florida. Life isn't dull for me. I am proud of my husband and his sacrifice to our country, but I didn't realize how much I too would have to sacrifice.
I am a person who loves my roots, it has made having a career difficult. Many marriages can't survive this lifestyle. It isn't for everyone. It comes with a huge learning curve and you have to accept, The Navy comes first. Yes, Sherry he does look good in uniform :D
Poets United: I know! I remember a poem you wrote about him, so romantic. Ella, you create wonderful art and write beautiful poetry. What came first, your love of art, or your gift of poetry? What does each avenue of creativity mean to you? On your site we can see how they complement each other wonderfully.
Ella: Art came first. I won an art contest at age 9, a watercolor of a still life, a bowl of fruit. I was bitten by the creative bug and it never let go. I tried to teach myself to sew at age 10, at age 11 my Mom gave me my first camera, at 12 I learned to play the guitar, and by age 13 I took painting lessons. My first artistic photo was of fireworks. I wish I had it, but I do not. It intrigues me how unique it came out.
Creativity is breathing to me... when I'm not taking photos, I am cooking, creating or plotting something.
Poets United: You are gifted in so many areas!
Ella: I remember writing poetry and collecting quotes in my late teens. I remember writing a poem about the snow being like a ballet, it was gorgeous. Soft delicate flakes swirling around me and the lamp post as I walked to my favorite spot, the town wharf. I rushed home to write it down. This still happens, but now I can take notes on my cell phone. You challenged me to write a poem and I was hooked and this is how I ended up being part of Poets United, because of You! Thank you Sherry!
Poets United: Wow, I didn’t know. I remember you were one of my first followers, when I had about six people, (I forced the other five to follow, they were family membersJ), and I do remember encouraging you to join Poets United.
writing a poem feels like picking flowers
Ella: My first poem I was probably age nine , the most memorable one age sixteen, snowstorm ballet poem. I love the hidden language, how a poem can be interrupted and how the symbolism can mean something different to everyone who reads it. Writing poems feels like picking flowers, trying to gather the right words to symbolize a theme, a message. I am always thrilled and stunned when someone says I have written something unique. I have always loved words and wanted to move in the Carver Memorial Library when I was nine.
Poets United: What does poetry mean to you, Ella? What keeps you writing?
Ella: Poetry is like a secret language. Sometimes I share what my intent was or what inspired the poem. Most often, I let it be. I let the reader discover their own connections to the words. I think it is so personal and such a unique way to have a voice. I'm always amazed at how painting with words can capture so much feeling. I find it magical to collect and gather, allow words to reveal a new insight.
Poets United: What do you aim for, when you pick up your pen to write a poem?
Ella: My aim is to surprise, make you see something new. I sometimes write about opposing items that distract. Sometimes people see my vision and sometimes they don't. It is a form of communication, like any art form. You can't reach everyone. I try to make a connection, hope something touches you and helps you relive a memory or moment. I think poetry can transport one's soul to another facet of their lives.
Poets United: Well said. Would you like to tell us about your artistic side, and how important it is to your well-being?
My creativity is my fingerprint on the world.
Ella: My creativity is my fingerprint on the world, without it I would be lost. I have only just begun. I have so many ideas brewing and note books filled. I tucked it away for awhile. I live with a military man, who likes order. When I create, it gets messy, I get blue food coloring all over myself and spill things. Think of I Love Lucy crafting; you will see me. It is a comical process, but fun. I prefer to do it alone, I need the quiet to think, discover my next path, as I create. Sometimes I know what I'm doing and other times trial and error. Yes, in Lucy fashion, lots of error ;D
Ella at nineteen, atop Mt. Battie with the Hawkeye camera
Poets United: The photos you take are absolutely stunning. How long have you been into photography?
Ella: Age 11 yrs old, my Mom mailed in for a Kodak Hawkeye Camera, she saved paper towel wrappers and paid for the shipping. When it arrived, she gave it to me; I was stunned. I was in love when the first photos arrived in the mail. I took most of the family photos and used my baby sitting money to buy film and develop it.
A friend of mine hired a professional to take her photo. I was with her when she got the proofs. She was so disappointed. She is a blue-eyed blonde with wild curly hair. I said, I'll take your photo, but you have to do what I say. I had her lay down on her belly in a field of buttercups and laugh...she said, it was the best photo of her ever.
Poets United: It sounds amazing! Where is your favorite place in the world?
Ella: My favorite place on earth is where heaven kisses the sea and hugs the shore. I am not home, in Maine, till my feet hit the edge of the town wharf. I spent my childhood searching for treasures on the shore, hiking to Moose Point, and checking who was catching fish. I was at the wharf three times a day: morning, mid-day and evening. The ebb n' flow of the water, the people, and the beauty. You see a veil of pines before turning the corner to bushes heavy with wild roses, they smell sweet like raspberries. Then the sparkling bay twinkles and you can smell the salty sea air. It awakens my senses like no other. I start to walk fast, then race to the end of the time-worn gray wharf. I am home when my feet are at the end, I see the Governor's flag wave and hear sea gulls' cry.
Poets United: Sigh. It sounds so wonderful. What are you most passionate about, kiddo?
Ella: I am most passionate about those I love, creating, and words!
Poets United: What would a perfect day look like to you?
Camden Harbor with Mount Battie
in the background
Ella: My perfect day in Maine would be getting up early to hike Mt. Battie to see the sunrise.
At the top of Mt. Battie there is a plaque with Edna St. Vincent Millay's poem.
I have always been drawn to this place, when I didn't have my feet on the wharf.
I would take photos of the harbor, check out all the art inspiration downtown, a boat ride would be nice. Hiking the shore in late afternoon and evening, some seafood (Lobstah) for dinner, and later a movie. Writing, sketching and photography throughout the day and a scoop of homemade Blueberry Cake Ice cream.
Poets United: Oh, can I come too?
Ella: (Smiling) Millay's family moved several times while in Camden, leaving behind no single house as a landmark. However, below Mt. Battie, just north of the town proper, is the Whitehall Inn, where Millay recited "Renascence" to a captivated audience shortly after winning the contest. The Inn shares the vista of the mountains and sea that inspired the poem, which begins:
"All I could see from where I stood
Was three long mountains and a wood;
I turned and looked another way,
And saw three islands in a bay.
So with my eyes I traced the line
Of the horizon, thin and fine,
Straight around till I was come
Back to where I'd started from;
And all I saw from where I stood
Was three long mountains and a wood."
I turned and looked another way,
And saw three islands in a bay.
So with my eyes I traced the line
Of the horizon, thin and fine,
Straight around till I was come
Back to where I'd started from;
And all I saw from where I stood
Was three long mountains and a wood."
Poets United: I love that poem. Who or what would you say has been the most significant influence on your writing?
Ella: Greatest influence on my writing would be my memories. My Dad was a character, I have wonderful memories of all his antics and my Mother's reactions to them. I think of their endearing tendencies to be like Fred and Wilma Flintstone. My Dad was always up to something and when Mom found out, she acted just like Wilma, "Oh, Earle". Dad always won her over, just like Fred. Come to think of it, my brother did have Bam-Bam type tendencies....
Poets United: That makes you Pebbles! Do you have a favorite poet?
Ella: Favorite poet would be Mary Oliver. She has this amazing insight into nature's gifts, which I so love and respect. When I read her poems, I can see the world through her eyes. She shares such beautiful visions. I also like Pablo Neruda, Emily Dickinson and William Wordsworth. His poem “Daffodils” really speaks to me.
Poets United: I adore Mary Oliver! How would you say your writing has grown and improved over this past year? What do you attribute this to?
Ella: My writing has improved, with practice and kind comments from bloggers. I also have been published a couple of times. I find the only way to get better is to write. Write anything, just get your thoughts on the page and edit later. Don't edit while your mind is dancing with ideas, just get them down and let them breathe.
I kind of have a theme song... It is funny, my daughter was watching the Disney movie Hercules. I was into watching Ally McBeal at the time. Ally was a character who insisted everyone needed a theme song, to represent them. I heard this song shortly after and decided this was mine.
The hero part, for me, is staying true to who you are. I have had a lot of detours in my life, but I think we all need to know we are worth fighting for. I always seem to find my way back to my creative voice. I just wish those I love, and who love me, would see a bit of what I see.
Poets United: It is hard to get our families to see us as individuals with our own needs. They are so used to us being Mom. Just keep following your passion, Ella. You have so much talent!
Ella: I had an opportunity to be published in a magazine after 9/11. My mother and husband didn't want me to go. A free e-ticket was waiting for me to fly to Manhattan, NY on Dec 19th, 2001. A chance of a lifetime. Both of them tried to talk me out of it. It was eye opening and I'm so glad I went. They pictured I would be alone, a Type 1 diabetic passing out on the streets or being robbed. The worst part was being treated with suspicion because I had insulin syringes on me. I had Dr's prescriptions, notes. I kept hearing people say, "Wonder what she did, she looks so innocent?" I was innocent...
Poets United: What an experience, Ella. I’m glad you went. So, in a movie about your life, who would you want to play you?
Ella: Who would play me..? Good question, since I practically grew up in a movie theater and popcorn is my comfort food, ha ha. My daughter thinks I resemble Mary Louise Parker and she is always drinking some form of Iced, too.
Poets United: I can definitely see the resemblance! (And, kids, I was right about the Frappucino!) Any advice for other writers?
Ella: Listen to your intuitive compass ~ it will guide you and keep your heart anchored to your soul!
Poets United: That's beautiful, kiddo. Is there anything else you'd like to share with Poets United?
Ella: Listen to your intuitive compass ~ it will guide you and keep your heart anchored to your soul!
Poets United: That's beautiful, kiddo. Is there anything else you'd like to share with Poets United?
Ella: Thank you, Poets United, for all of the inspiration and your kindness! You inspire, give wisdom and share so much!
Thank you to all my readers, who give me so much insight and their gift of time~ I treasure your comments, more than you know~
Special thanks to Sherry, for all she does, and for daring me to write a poem! Sherry, you gave me light into another world. A world I had tippy-toed in, and now I twirl and wonder what is next!
Thank you everyone for your gift of time! It is a precious dance that allows us to connect! I am lucky to have all of you in my life~
"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."
Poets United: I love that, Ella. Thank you so much for a wonderful glimpse into your life. We are all so fortunate to have the chance to enjoy all of your work.
Kids, once again, we see inside one wonderful poet’s life. Isn’t it true that the people behind the pen are some of the most interesting – and certainly talented – folks around? Do come back to see who we talk to next. Who knows? It might be you!
Oh, I definitely agree that Ella is a wonderful poet and creative in so many ways! I always enjoy visiting her blog, which is written in her own style. Sherry, you have succeeded in crafting an interview that truly does this multi-faceted woman justice! Thanks to both of you for what you do.
ReplyDeleteA wonderful interview, so rich and full of life. Inspiring.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sherry! It was an amazing process... You have a way of getting things out of people. Your methods are brilliant, as is your writing! Thank you for this gift; you know it means a lot to me! I know I hesitated, but I'm glad I did. Thanks for encouraging me to write a poem; You changed my world!
ReplyDelete<3 (((Hugs)))
"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." This quote is by Thorton Wilder~
It was such a fun process. For a week, I entered the busyness of your world. You are the best, Ellie! The theme song really does apply to you because, through all the busyness, and the demands of an active life, you stay true to your path and your art. No small accomplishment! Consider this forum the place where crowds are cheering for you and calling your name:)
ReplyDeleteElla is a beautiful person, and amazing poet and artist! Ella you always inspire me when I visit your blog. It has been wonderful taking a closer look into your life. Another lovely interview Sherry!! :-)
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed this interview, Sherry. Ella is a very dear person to me, she touches many people (as she did me) in ways unknown to most... she is very special. I love "A place where heaven hugged the sea and kissed the shore" and that library... I'd want to live there, too.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful interview. You really ARE so good at this Sherry.
ReplyDeleteElla, you have so many precious gifts. I can well imagine how difficult it is to have 6 months of living life one way and then, have to adapt to living it a totally different way and vice-versa.
You do have so much talent Ella, very gifted and it's amazing that Sherry is the one who encouraged your writing too. Lovely reading and, discovering more about you Ella.
Ella is just so talented and creative in so many areas, I can't picture any normal job holding her attention for long anyway. My father was military, so I remember long stretches where my mom was stuck with just my brother and I. She was very strong because of that - and I can see you are as well, Ella.
ReplyDeleteWow this was so cool. That was a really in depth interview and it was great hearing about you. I doubt whether we're related since you came from Maine, but who knows you may be from a branch of the family we don't know about.
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Wonderful interview Sherry! Ella's life really shines and I'm glad I got a glimpse of it. Now I'm heading over to her blog for more!
ReplyDeleteVery lovely interview, Sherry. How rich and challenging your life is Ella, but your gift and kind heart shines through your words. I enjoyed learning more about you ~
ReplyDeleteAnother wonderful interview Sherry! And a glimpse into the life of another fascinating poet; I've only recently begun to discover Ella's work and was glad to learn so much more about this busy creative person. Thanks again to both of you.
ReplyDeleteElla, if I admired and respected you before it has just increased 100-fold! thank-you Sherry and Ella, for a wonderful interview. Ella, those are fabulous quotes you gifted us with at the end...Esp. love this one!
ReplyDelete"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."
Thank-you again,
Blessings to you and yours~
p.s. Is there any place we can read the poem you had published after 9/11?
Ella and Sherry,
ReplyDeleteThank you for this most interesting interview.
Ella, you are such a faithful writer and share your time with so many other people. I appreciate your very regular visits to my blog pages.
It is wonderful to have met both you and Sherry, via Poets United.
Best Wishes,
Eileen-Thank you, I am happy I have met you! You always find a way to touch upon so many facets with your poems!
ReplyDeleteJanet-Thank you, Sherry is so clever...she has an unique formula!
It wasn't a poem that I was published for. I was in a magazine for my Tour de pants. I wish it had been a poem, how moving it would of been!
I love this is by Thorton Wilder! Blessings to you n' yours~
S.E.Ingram-I enjoyed visiting your beautiful blog! I will be back to visit~ Nice to meet you!
Heaven-Thank you! It has been an unique journey; we all have our own coaster to ride! Thank you for your kind words~
Laura-Thank you! I loved your poem and I will be by to visit again~
Lee-You never know, we could of had a Jackson travel cross country!
I have... My husband and I drove to Alaska, yes from Maine. We took a ferry from Washington to Alaska. We drove the ALCAN highway!
YOU are in the entertainment world...I think there is a good chance. The Jacksons I'm related to all have music and comedy in their blood! ;D Thanks Lee! I need to trace my Dad's family tree.
Alex-Thank you! Yes, normal isn't going to hold me for long, lol!
I can see you and your family now! This lifestyle shapes one's focus differently! There is a different appreciation, since the lifestyle is so unstable. I can see your Mom raising two strong minded boys~ Thank you and thank your Mom for all she sacrificed!
Kat-I love Bar Harbor; Acadia National Park is magical! When I read your Life of a Poet...I could feel a connection! The attraction of community, the way you shared your day~ How wonderful you,also found a poem! I like you am comforted and lured to water! I look forward to getting to know you better, too. Thank you~
Bren-Thank you! I was one of Sherry's first followers and she encouraged me on this path! How amazing it has all been~ Thank you I think we all have to try new things, don't you... I love that you, also are drawn to the sea!
Laurie-Maybe someday we will meet! You and I can share more about your the symbols you see in life and go see my childhood home! I knew I wouldn't be the only one, who wanted to live in a library! lol Thank you!
Carrie-Thank you for being so endearing! I love your blog, you always capture a magical view and give me further insight! I loved that you tagged me, so fun! I loved your questions~ Thank you!
Sherry-Thank you, that was beautiful! I loved that idea, it should be where we all feel cherished and cheered! I hope to visit more blogs. Between computer issues and thundershowers, my computer time has been limited. Here's to beginning again... Thank you Sherry for all you do! You have a remarkable gift and insight~
I wish you would publish that poetry book! :D
"creativity is my fingerprint on the world"
ReplyDeleteI haven't read anyone else's comments. Your interview was exquisite, novelesque and indeed I am going to suggest as you were once gently pushed into "poeming" that you consider writing a novel set in your childhood. You have completely dissolved me into tears of yearning and nostalgia for a childhood, parents and a place you painted for me in your interview. I need to read this interview again and again - it is a pure sparkling jewel. You don't need me to tell you, the depth and breadth of your creativity it is, as you say, part of your essence, as natural as breath. The quote that Sherry highlighted and I have quoted here shines as a classic - as are you - I could go on and on and on... there is simply no end to what could be said about this interview and you, Ella - the photographs you provide at the Thursday Think Tank open new worlds of feeling ... What more can be said in the presence of a natural wonder herself but... WOW! BRAVO to you and to Sherry's wonderful interviewing skills!!! WOW! I am going to be shaking my head in delighted wonder again and again and again.... :)
Pearl our essence is a gift, we just have to learn to share! It is a difficult road, creativity! I believe we all have it, but we have to be willing to be brave and put it out there. It is like a seed, it will grow and maybe not be a masterpiece, but it will sustain our heart and grow through us! We can only anchor our souls, but once we find our LIGHT,our path then we can help others share theirs! Thank you Pearl, you make me blush! I have many books in me, but probably the best place to start it the beginning... I had a wonderful childhood, it is my adulthood that is painful. I have some struggles having 2 autoimmune illnesses and my back causes me a lot of pain. I have found the more pain I'm in, the more I'm open, I am to find the beauty. I guess I'm looking for the silver lining.
ReplyDeleteI can't take credit for the photos; you will see the artist's name underneath. I am enjoying this journey with all of you! You all are so talented; we have to keep sharing and grow! I hope this week, I can visit everyone. I am trying, but have struggled with computer issues and thundershowers. I so love seeing everyone's view~ Sherry's insight is to see the wonder; she has a true gift of making us all look good! It is her talent that brings us into focus. She sets her aperture on one's soul! If she ever wants to interview you, do it! It is a gift~ Thank you Pearl :D
I know Ella a little from her Thursday Think Tank, her blog, and most of all her warm comments on my own posts. It's lovely to have this chance to get to know and like her even more!
ReplyDeleteElla! I was so excited to see the interview was with you this week! I've fast found an igniting spark and beauty in your creative passion. I'm so happy to get to know you better, your life is truly amazing, from the details of your parents all the way through to now, so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteIt's neat, I'm a Maine gal, too, coastal city of Bath! I, also, love Mary Oliver and for the same reasons...she speaks the heart of nature so eloquently.
I'm really looking forward to spending more time around you, Ella! So glad that we've crossed poetic paths!
BIG smiles to you and thank you for this inspiring interview!
Hannah-I use to live in Brunswick; hubby worked in Bath(Navy) across from the shipyard! It is a small world~ Nice to meet another Maine gal :D I look forward to getting to know you better~ I too am glad you shared and we met :D Big smiles to you~
ReplyDeleteRosemary-You are so kind, I enjoy your post and blog and will drop by more often! I hope to get to know you better~