Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Think Tank Thursday #86-Rebirth

Welcome March, I love the references of this month. How we talk about March's arrival, in like a lion out like a lamb, perhaps vice versa.  March has it's Ides, the beginning of spring, and sometimes, Easter graces us in this month. As the season changes, it has a lots of fits and false starts. I think of this month's weather being the most unpredictable. As Earth is working her magic for Mother Nature's rebirth, we feel the stir of new beginnings. Rebirth is change, growth, but it can mean so much more.

* Photo credit:  Rebirth by ~Cutteroz

 rebirth by `AutumnsGoddess

“I give you this to take with you:
Nothing remains as it was. If you know this, you can
begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting." 
― Judith Minty

“Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.”
Eckhart Tolle

                       "Change is growth. For me it has been a very spiritual and musical rebirth."
                                                                    -Lenny Kravitz

I want you to pen a poem about rebirth.  I hope this prompt will provide us with some intriguing views on new beginnings, change and the stirring of our souls.

If you have a prompt idea (even a Music or Film inspired one) that you would like to suggest or share with us please send it to . We keep a folder set aside with all your suggestions and just might use it one day.

There 3 simple rules:

1. Don’t link to more than 3 poems per week.

2. Please visit some of the other poems linked here when you link to yours.

3. Leave a comment after you have posted your link.


  1. Wonderful prompt, Ella. Thank you!

  2. ... a bit of a mess but I gave it a go.

  3. WOW! .... Wonderful transformative prompt.... Very raw ... but thank you for the opportunity to give it a try :)

    1. BTW... I am not a triangle ... nor am I in the Witness Protection Program... my photo remains mysterious on Think Tank Days.... mhmmmm

  4. Poets United,

    A prompt of fresh thought.....


  5. Mine's up! Have a good day, everyone.

  6. These are the most amazing images!

  7. Thanks for the prompt Ella and all at PU!

  8. Thanks for the prompt. I wrote it in another direction after reading some of the posts.

  9. Rebirth in realisation perhaps, of faults.

  10. Not only were the pictures inspiring, but reading some of the other entries also inspired!!! Wonderful prompt!!!

  11. Thank you, I can't wait to read all of them! I will make my rounds...

  12. Spectacular images. They were inspiring. Mine is up.

  13. Took me a bit to get this one worked out, looking forward to reading some other postings tonight. Thanks so much!

  14. Wonderful images, inspired me to write - Underground

  15. A cause to reflect inward and release outward. Thank you, beautiful prompt. ~Smiles

  16. I'm late, but had to try this prompt~ I loved all the ways all of you wove your rebirth :D


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