Sunday, January 18, 2015

Poetry Pantry #235

Photos of Japan
by Scott Hastie

Mount Fuji, Japan

Zen Garden at the Silvet Temple in Kyoto
Tori Gates at Fushimi Inara Shrine

Golden Pavilion, Kyoto

Young Women's Night Out

Young Woman Outside a Geisha House in Gion

Hi Everyone,

Good to see you all again this Sunday, and I hope everyone has been having a good week.  It is nice, here in the Northern Hemisphere, to see the days slowly becoming longer again.  Some of us here in the United States are quite excited about football games that are going on this Sunday afternoon (July 18).  I know I will be biting my fingernails as I watch the Green Bay Packers play the Seattle Seahawks today.  Smiles.  I think during the long winter we need something here to keep us enthused.  One of those things where I live is football.  For those of you in other states/countries, what keeps YOU enthused through the long winter (or summer, if you are in the Southern Hemisphere)?  Perhaps, share in comments!

This week I am sharing photos taken by Scott Hastie on a recent trip to Japan!  Thank you, Scott.  Looks like a great trip.  In upcoming weeks we will again have photos by Totomai Martinez and Bjorn Rudberg, as well as another set from Scott, but I am still open to other photo additions as well.  Keep that in mind, and let me know if you have something.  Scenery or landscape or city views...or?

Now....enjoy the Pantry.  Link your one poem below.  Be sure to stop in and leave us a comment.  Visit other poets.  The Pantry will stay open until 12 noon (Central Time) on Monday.  Looking forward to seeing what you share.


  1. Good morning everyone.. I love those pictures - the laughter of those girls is just enchanting,

    1. good morning björn
      how's the weather in sweden today?

    2. Mostly grey.. A few Rays of sunshine shining through.

  2. beautiful pics indeed... japan is on my yet-to-travel-to list...

  3. Good morning to all. Looking forward to reading some good poetry today. Please visit others if you link......smiles.

    1. Good morning Mary, I have read some, will get back later today.

  4. Oh, Japan does look lovely! One place I never got to ... yet.

    1. I have been there on business a few times but nothing like this really.

  5. A winter of the soul approach maybe! thank you for the space to post

  6. Good day everyone :-)
    Nice to see Japan photos. Kyoto is one of my favorite places in Japan.

    Drop me a line in case any one of you visit Japan :-)

  7. I'm sharing a poem I wrote a week ago, so some may already have read this one. Many thanks for the opportunity to reach the PU audience.

  8. Lovely shots of Japan, Scott. Very cold here and expecting some more snow. Not being a sports person, I enjoy reading, writing and nature during winter...gorgeous sunrise going on right now!

  9. i would love to explore maybe one day....

    i will be around...

  10. Thank you Scott for the pictures ~ Today is overcast & grey so thanks for this community of poets to bring color to my days ~ Happy Sunday ~

  11. Nice pics, Scott. Sharing my last week poem. Thanks for opportunities. Peaceful Sun-day to all!

  12. Good morning everyone. The pictures are delightful! Off to church and Sunday dinner with my children and will be back for dessert in the pantry.

    1. off to church back in a bit to catch up....

  13. Good morning all. I finally was able to finish a piece to share. I look forward to some enjoyable afternoon reading. Great photos here, as always!
    Steve K.

  14. Wishing all of you a great Sunday. The photos are truly beautiful, Scott!

  15. I've enjoyed some wonderful morning reading...and nice to see so many comments here as well.....I will be back later on again...

  16. Good day, everyone! glad to be back after a few weeks' absence.
    will read some more after i am back from work. :)

  17. oh yes, thanks for sharing those lovely photos, Scott!

  18. Greetings All, Sorry I'm a bit late on parade - we have just had a big family birthday lunch here - so feeling rather merry... Thanks to Mary for the feature on my Japan photos - What a place! A country with so may different faces and facets to to - get there if you can... This is my first poem to be published for the New Year - hope you enjoy it and looking forward to catching up with the wonderful PU community later, when I've had a coffee or two...

  19. Thank You Scott for the beautiful pictures of Japan...Mary thank you for sharing it on PU. I have linked my feet poem for both PJ and PU..
    Have a nice weekend

  20. What wonderful photos, Scott! I'll be watching the game too, Mary! Smiles! I'll be doing most of my reading this eve and tomorrow. Happy Sunday, all.

    1. Ha,Jennifer, I know we will be rooting for opposite teams. May the best team win!

    2. What a game, Mary! Congrats to the Packers and their fans for a great season!

    3. Good game nonetheless. There is always next year. Smiles.

  21. Haven't written in a month. Glad for this opportunity to throw one out there. And the photos, Scott, are amazing. Clarity and content impress.

  22. Scott, I love these pics! I am not posting this week or next as I am in the middle of student recitals this Sunday and next Sunday, but I may poke around a bit anyway--Happy Sunday!

  23. Morning, kids, I am making my way around and there is such fine reading in here this morning. Wow. Am enjoying a slow Sunday when I dont have to go anywhere or do anything...I plan to watch Gone Girl this afternoon - high excitement! Scott, your photos are wonderful. It must have been an awesome trip.

  24. Wonderful pics! Thanks for the post Mary.

  25. What beautiful photos Scott! I particularly love the one of the Tori has such interesting lines and angles. Japan is such a beautiful country...glad you were able to enjoy so much of what it has to offer and thank you for sharing it with us through your photographs.

  26. As with winter so it is for all the other seasons, for me, poetry and photography...dreaming about art to create...these all continue to enthuse my muse. :)

  27. The pictures of Japan are stunning. Hope your team wins Mary. I'm not a football fan, but it sounds like you get lots of enjoyment from it.

  28. Hi everyone. I'm a little late joining in today. I hope everyone's enjoyed their Sunday! Very nice pictures as well :)


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