Sunday, December 10, 2017

Poetry Pantry #382

Vaalannkurkku Railway Bridge - Finland

Greetings, Friends.   I found the photo above on Wikimedia Commons.  I thought it was beautiful and suggested this wintry time of year.

We had another interesting week at Poets United.  Many of you wrote for Susan's Narcissism / Vanity prompt. This coming week Sumana will be prompting us to write to the prompt - Celebration.

Friday Rosemary shared the poem "Afterthought" by the Australian poet Tony Foley!  It really is a meaningful poem, one I think many can identify with.

Don't miss Sherry's feature on Monday.  She is featuring one of the original poets of Poets United.  It is great to see her back once again sharing her poetry.

Just a heads up to everyone:  Poets United will be taking a holiday break in December.  We will have a Poetry Pantry next Sunday,  December 17.  Then we will have about two weeks off to give us all a bit of a break.  Smiles.  We will resume again on December 31, the last day of the year, for those who are interested in ending the year with a sharing of poetry!

With no further delay, let's share poetry!  Link your poem below.  Stop in the comments and say hello! And visit the poems of those who link.  I look forward to seeing you on the trail.


  1. Good morning all looking forward to reading later on today. I really like the photo too, very seasonal.

  2. Hey everyone,

    It's my birthday on 11th December💞 so I am really happy to be spending time with you guys today! Have a lovely day ahead!💞

    1. Happy Birthday Sanaa. To a bright and beautiful voice from the Pantry.

    2. Happy birthday to you, Sanaa! I hope you enjoy your day.

    3. Happy Birthday Sanaa....have a lovely long birthday celebration!

    4. @R.K Thank you😊 that's so sweet of you!💞

      @Mary Thank you so much😊 I surely will!💞

    5. @Donna Thank you!😊 I surely will💞

    6. Many Happy returns of the Day Sanaa! Have a lovely day, dear.

    7. Happy belated birthday, Sanaa! Hope it was a blast! Year blessings!

  3. Have a nice day all. Have a wonderful birthday tomorrow Sanaa

    much love...

  4. Good morning, poets! Looking forward to reading your poetry on this chilly winter day!

  5. Mary, New York City just got its first snowfall of the season, so your chosen photo is perfect.

    Happiest Sunday, everyone!

  6. Wow! Snow. Here on the west coast, we are having very moderate temperatures. The surfers are out in force. Smiles. Am looking forward to a quiet day today. Have a wonderful birthday, Sanaa.

  7. Sorry for not linking up today... I have used today to put the final touches on the dVerse anthology. I know many of you are featured... soon it will be ready to order.

  8. Good morning everyone! We are awaiting the birth of our first grandson any day now--although this poem has nothing to do with that--I am recycling today

  9. Happy Sunday All, we had our first real snow in this area yesterday. Under blankets of white I did dream.

  10. Good morning to everyone! Winter makes me inspired again! Hope all doing well! What a wonderful finding, Mary! Blessed week to all!


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