Sunday, January 28, 2018

Poetry Pantry #388

Aurora in Estonia

Good morning, Poets.  I don't know about you, but I find it  nice to see it getting lighter a bit earlier in the morning each day.  I feel as if winter has turned a corner, and spring is nearing.  We can live in hope. The photo above from Wikimedia Commons is beautiful, I think.  I have never seen the Aurora.  Maybe someday.

Thanks to those of you who took part in Poets United's offerings this past week.  We are always glad to see people comment on varied weekly features, participate in Sumana's and Susan's Midweek Motif topics, and Rosemary's Friday features with timely topics and interesting poetry.

Next week's Midweek Motif topic will be Moon.

Be sure to take a look at Rosemary's I Wish I'd Written This feature of Kevin Hart's poem "Dark Bird."

Monday Sherry will share an interview with one of our newest poets.  It is always nice to get to know those who post alongside us each week.

Now let's share poetry.  Link your poem below.  Stop in and say hello.  Then make the rounds visiting others who link.  Be sure to come back a few times to see who is new!  Looking forward to seeing you on the trail!


  1. Hi all, I feel like a newbie every time I post here. I really hope I can write more. And I hope you still remember me :)

    Aurora / Northern lights is one of my bucket lists. I can only dream.

    1. If you decide to see it... Northern Sweden/Norway is the place to go...

    2. Ah, me too! Maybe someday. Bjorn, do you have your own photos of the Northern Lights?

    3. Count me in, I hope to see and experience those lights one day.

    4. I have seen it a few times, but never good enough to make good photos... when I have seen it, it's been too late in the season to have great Northern light... you have to go north when it's dark... No later than beginning of March

  2. Hello everyone! A very happy Sunday to you all :)

  3. Thank you for another Pantry - happy Sunday to all

  4. A happy Sunday to all... today I'm inside due to a cold, spending my time in front of the computer.

  5. Get well soon, Bjorn. Happy Sunday to all

  6. Happy Sunday, everyone!!💞 I'll be around shortly to read and comment.💞

  7. Thanks, Mary. I'm glad we can at least see wonderful photos of the Aurora.

  8. Good morning once again. Hope you all have a good Sunday.

  9. The image is beautiful - I would like to see the Aurora too.
    Do hope everyone has a wonderful day.
    Anna :o]

  10. Warm wishes dear pantry friends. Here in T&T the pace is hot, music wise; as is the weather in the season of carnival

    much love...

  11. Hello! Nice to be here on a wet, grey day.

  12. I've never seen northern lights in person. Beautiful.

  13. Big winds today, so i will likely lose power. Will make rounds as i am able. Looking forward to poetry! Thank you, Mary, and all!

  14. Off with the Grandchildren will be back for tea and poetic treats.

  15. So relieved to have made it to Sunday!

  16. a little late for the pantry!
    Good day, everyone!

  17. Eric, I cant find a place to comment on your poem, but I absolutely loved it!


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