Monday, April 14, 2014


This week, my friends, we are visiting Humbird, who writes at  The Sunbeam, and who regularly responds to our Mid-Week Motif, and links to the Pantry. I am interested to meet this poet, who hails from Russia, a country that has always intrigued me. Bring your travel mug and come along with me, as we swoop in to a fine landing at her front door.

SHERRY: Humbird, I am so happy to be meeting with you, at last! Thank you for allowing this visit.

HUMBIRD: I have so mixed feelings,  doing this 'fuss' about me...

SHERRY: Everyone does, kiddo. Let’s dive in! Where, on the globe, do you live? Am I right in surmising that English is your second language?

HUMBIRD: Yes, Russian is my first language. I was born in the Ukraine by the Black Sea, in the town of Odessa. I now live in Minnesota, and my very successful son is a meteorologist, working in New York.

Humbird and son

If you look thoroughly through my poems, you will find about 24 translations of  my favorite Russian poets:  Akhmatova, Pasternak, Fet, Doriso, Slutsky, Okudzhava, and also songs.


SHERRY: I have always felt a connection to Russia, and have read some of your wonderful writers, especially Solzhenitsyn. I am wondering how you felt, coming to America, and leaving your homeland behind? Has it been everything you dreamed? You must get homesick at times.

HUMBIRD: I'm thinking of one poem that might be appropriate for this question:

my roots

have been
for more Earth
for this unique
life cycle

so lucky
to see
as old star seed
the different sides
of the planet Earth

between two worlds,
two homes
there are common ground
I've found -
the planet Earth

the north and south,
east and west,
above and below're
invited for quest
within me

my tenderness
isn't missed,
not dispelled
with those 7 winds
its kept here,
within me
in peace

my eyes're
lit up with
the love I find
to new home,
to the whole
new world
under the name "I"

Sherry: That is a perfect response to the question. We are all citizens of the planet, when it comes down to it. And we start over again so many times in one lifetime. Thank you so much!

Duke statue, Odessa

Humbird, on your banner, you have written: “unfolding creativity, changing life”, which  indicates you are living through a life transition. Would you like to explain this? And how blogging may be helping you to make and chart this journey?

Arcadia Beach, Odessa

HUMBIRD:  First of all, you maybe want to know that I've started with spiritual stories. I have the blog on wordpress,  Vibrate. Create. Resonate, about self-growth, self-development . 2011  was the year when I first started to write in English, as an expression of new feelings of unconditional love I got, after opening my chakras, after getting my Masters degree in Reiki. It was a spiritual awakening. 

You can find writing dedicated to my healing art at my blog Vibrate. Create. Resonate.  
3 Revelations About Reiki will tell you more about this.

SHERRY: I checked, and it reads, intriguingly, that you are an engineer, piano teacher, and Reiki Master.  That you take a holistic approach to life, enjoying synthesizing  art, literature, music, science, and medicine. And that you wish to experience  life as multi-dimensionally as possible. Cool, Humbird!

HUMBIRD: Soon after that awakening, I started my second blog ,  BETTERFLY, with short stories and articles with the purpose of helping people to balance energy, feel better.  Reiki opened a new world, new perspective, second breath and purpose...

SHERRY: It is wonderful that you found your purpose and your passion! That’s what makes life sing.

HUMBIRD: By this time, 2012, I was active on Twitter for 1 year, where I've noticed an interesting group of haiku writers, and these were my first short poems.  By now, you probably understand what words 'unfolding creativity, changing life' mean for me. ..When you're trying connect your inner voice, the soul, you develop intuition, start to notice how your body and  heart react to different things in your life. And try to act accordingly.

One of my poems, dedicated to my healing art is Healing Hands.

Listening to my hands…

invisible worms – a million

run through..

Healing manna – inhaled
worry free, warm
energy cycle

Hold, hold until done
swirling ki, sipping by cells
sigh, life unfolding…

Sherry: Oh, I like that very much, Humbird! Do you have a writing process that you follow, or do your poems come spontaneously?

HUMBIRD: Sometimes I get the word, and it amuses me, I'm chewing it till get the poem. Another time, I just follow the idea, where always trying to keep rule of 3: exposition, culmination, denouement.  Couple time I was inspired by music, and just followed the rhythm of song , its phrases ( 'Unfamiliar guest' feb 17, 2012). Also I was trying auto-writing, which is hard mental task - the sounds just make you crazy...

So I do lots of humming when write... this is partly why I am Hum-bird :)

Sherry: How cute! I wondered how your name came about! Do you do a lot of revising or leave your poems as they arrive?

HUMBIRD: No! I don't like to look back, or rework old poems...Just recently I started to read them, and was surprised how differently they sound for today-me.

Sherry: I find the same thing.  Browsing around your site, I found this poem and knew I wanted to feature it here.

photo by Humbird

Why I write…

The fingers wander feverishly for extensions

stretching to decima – not enough,
the pensive soul accepts no refreshment,
played on the background so long half/half.

To run thru the keyboard-to discover
the thorns and the roses,
the joy, revelation while writhing in pain,
to dare to touch the stone of Moses,
don’t let soul sail get dissolved in a vain.

What threatens my writing life…

I nervous and gripping the pen
so then I’m not screaming
and shake in despair,
life steps on the heels
required pay bills
and this is what threaten
my writing passion…

Why I will continue to write against all odds…

I am into chasing the word
the English word sounds so cool to my ears
remember the time listening a song
but not understanding the lyrics…

We travel prolonged path
developing, nourish the spirit
so who will judge/blame us
when we learn to trust
our feelings and walk off a pier…

Sherry: That is a good manifesto, Humbird. Tell us about your field of employment.

HUMBIRD: I'm a piano teacher mainly. In the past I worked in Musical theater, where I also was a producer and directed a couple of children's plays.

Sherry: Poets are so often creative in other areas. I explored your wonderful artist page .........what came first, art or poetry?  Tell us a little about what completing a painting feels like. Do you stick with water colors, or explore other mediums?


HUMBIRD: I'm always inspired by other poets/writers pieces, also - by Astrology, Tarot, and art/photo. Once I decided to try art as another area for expression. My art lessons were in pastels, and also drawing from observation. 


I was surprised what a rejection I met. (I was able to draw one picture in not more than 30 minutes, while the other experienced artists in class were working at the picture 3 and more hours.)... maybe because we have never been encouraged to try new things... My art teacher said we need to force ourselves to practice every day.  As a piano teacher, I understand that. Writing also requires everyday practice... 

When I say about practicing to draw, I have a 'Sketch Pad'  and pencil by my computer, to catch the happy moment to draw.

Leaves edited in Picasa

Sherry: I think art is a wonderful avenue of creative expression. I checked out your community projects page and am impressed with the food program you talk about there, Feed My Starving Children. Would you like to tell us a bit about this?

HUMBIRD:  Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. I wrote about them in this poem:

Israelites, traveling in a desert,

were provided with
miracle meal -

...almost the same 'miracle' happened
to severely malnourished
and starving kids of Honduras,
received first box with formula...

Colleagues from companies
Cargill teamed up with
Pillsbury and General Mills,
fulfilled life roles,
developed nutritious
'fortified Rice Soy Casserole'
for malnourished children
age of 5

the formula's name
was changed
to 'MannaPack Rice'

...have you ever hold
the exhausted child of 13 pounds
weight? -
35 p. after 6 months
of eating the meal.
Volunteering, donating -
can we eliminate starvation
in children in the world?
Instill compassion in people
to hear and respond
to cries of those in need? 

['A single bag of food - which provides highly nutritious meals for six children -
costs around $1.32 to produce, and 92% of all donation to FMSC (Feed My Starving Children, the organization, founded in 1987 by MN businessman Richard Proudfit ) goes directly toward the food program.']

Sherry: This is a wonderful program! So rewarding.

HUMBIRD: I have worked with my friends for a while, now – I am busy, having the students at this time. We had dancing/singing/playing drums with a  group of kids/teenagers from Africa. And we held  a concert, also demonstrating some crafts in the lobby. 

Sherry: Such satisfying work, Humbird. Way to go! Well, this has truly been a pleasure. Thank you so much for this visit. Is there anything else you'd like to say to Poets United?

HUMBIRD: When we connect with the group of writers, participating in the prompts, comment on each others' poems - we absorb the wisdom of collective mind, receiving our personal aha- moments, inspiring and getting inspired. I’m grateful for meeting all these talented people at Poets United, wish them to keep high our poetic torch to highlight for all the way of Love through the word.

Every week, another wonderful journey, life seen through another poet's eyes. I love what Humbird says about the wisdom of the collective mind, and sharing Love through our words. Do come back to see who we talk to next. Who knows? It might be you!


  1. so glad to know more about you Humbird......what an interesting life you's really amazing to see how your passion has found expressions in various forms of arts and science...a very exceptional poet you are...and Sherry thank you for another great interview....

    1. Thank you, Sumana! I always appreciate your kind comments :)x

  2. It is truly my pleasure, each week, Sumana. I am so hooked on peoples' stories!!! Maybe I should have been a novelist! But I like real life stories far more than fiction.

    1. I appreciate it so much! You're great writer, Sherry xx

    2. No, am just really interested in people....smiles.......everyone's stories amaze me! But thanks!

    3. You have a way with words Sherry...

  3. You inspire me, Humbird! I can imagine the strength it takes to work in a second language, to use it to expand all your arts: teaching, piano, percussion, drawing, poetry, short story. Your voice is unique and I feel enriched by reading your poetry as well as your comments on mine. I hope you don't mind when I call you Hum.

    Thanks again Sherry!

    1. Hi Susan,
      I'm so inspired by your poems, encouraged by the comments for my poems!
      Thank you for all compliments you gave me here so generously...~ I love your voice, and sure, call me Hum :)xx

  4. very cool on the work you are doing for the children raising awareness with your your connection to music and the arts as well...and i agree with your view in how when we connect we learn and grow....

    1. Brian, thank you for your social spirit, bringing all us, writing people, together! You are great teacher, bright personality!

  5. O, wow, Sherry! You summarized so well my free expressions, thank you, I feel like I met someone like me ...just I need to learn drumming for sure now ;)

    1. I'm very happy you like it, Humbird! It was truly my pleasure!

  6. An amazing interview, Sherry. So good to learn more about you, Humbird. Ha, you are a neighbor living in an adjoining state. I admire anyone who can write poetry in a second language.

  7. Thank you Poets United and Sherry for introducing Poet writer Humbird.A life shifting and changing in so many aspects with the best emerging 'in creativity of words and colors' so wonderful to read. A life developed to the spiritual awakening' is amazing' so wonderfully composed and revealed by the wonderful style of the 'interview' itself.Thank you Sherry and best wishes to the great writer Humbird.

  8. Thank you Sherry for an interesting interview again ~ Humbird, lovely to know more about you ~ I didn't know that you came from Russia & Russian being your first language ~ I admire your art work and kudos to you for writing in English ~ Cheers ~

  9. It's so refreshing to know humbird up close! We share a passion for art as much as for poetry. That's great Ma'am! I'll be looking up to take a peek at your other blogs after this. And thanks for responding to my comments all these while.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you, Hank! And I've noticed too your art works. Always enjoy the energetic comments to my poems. xx

  10. What a lovely interview! I too enjoyed learning more about humbird and how her voice translates kindness and inspires so many! I admire you for work with children-how wonderful~ I will definitely check out your other blogs~ You have your fingers in many facets of life~ Thank you Sherry for sharing her with us~ She is an amazing poet!

    1. Thank you, Ella! You have very loving heart...:)xx

  11. lovely! you look very diff from what i imagined from your display pic! so nice to know about you and your pen! :)

  12. Nice to know about such a wonderful person and poet.

  13. humbird, a pleasure to meet you and learn more about your poetic work. and yes, your volunteering with those kids, that is lovely. :)

  14. How wonderful to get to know Humbird better — a name I always see with pleasure amongst the poems and comments. A rich life lived fully! Thanks to you both for the interview.

    1. Thank you very much, Rosemary! Feel your warmth :)xx


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