Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - #53

The Poetry Pantry
2nd Chance Poems or 1st time shares

Anything goes!! All Poems, all Poets, All Week!!

Do you have a poem you would like to share? Something that you just felt inspired to write and want others to read. Perhaps it’s a poem that didn’t get as much exposure on your blog as you would have liked. Maybe it’s a poem that you wrote a long time ago that you would like people to revisit. That’s what this section of Poets United is for.

Each Sunday we start a new post with a New Mr. Linky for you. This is so that you can post a link to anything you want us to read, anything at all related to poetry or prose found on your own poetry blogs. It will remain open all week so that you can show us your writings and thoughts. You can post links weekly should you chose to do so. What poetry you put here is up to you so don't be afraid to share with us!!

There 3 simple rules:

1. Don’t link to more than 3 poems per week.

2. Please visit some of the other poems linked here when you link to yours.

3. Leave a comment after you have posted
your link.


  1. I do hope people who post links will also visit other people's poetry. We all appreciate comments.

  2. i linked one old and one new poem:)

  3. good morning, wonderful people!
    can't wait to read some new poems.

  4. Hello All!
    Another Pantry to look forward to.
    Mine today is a newbie I wrote last night.
    See you soon.

    Have a lovely week ahead!

  5. So glad I found this wonderful place.

  6. Good Morning ... as it is cloudy here ... it is a very good morning. Clouds mean less heat. I look forward to everyone's poetry. If it appears that I am neglecting those who write upon Word Press Blogs ... well, I am not. My comments seem to just disappear and I do not know what to do about it.

  7. Hi All! This is my first time to join Poetry Pantry. I'd like to be called The Dame. :) Shared poems about love. I'm go gonna visit your poems.

  8. Hello, I'm Mike Patrick, and this is my first post here. While I applied to join Poets United a couple of days ago, my blog hasn't been added to the list yet. Please excuse my indiscretion; enthusiasm took control.

  9. A new one, just for Poets United! : )

  10. I have posted two of my poems from the latter part of this week. The second, 'to love a poet', may be my personal all-time favourite, and trust me when I say, I don't always like my poetry.
    I hope everyone has a great week.

  11. Really happy to be back. Posted the ONE piece I managed to write this week. Two weeks in Europe, then catching up on all that awaited my return took some time. Excited to read your work, fellow poets.

  12. Two new ones. I like "Waiting" best.

  13. An older poem I don't think got as much attention as it deserved. Excited to read some new poets.

  14. First time here at the Pantry....I look forward to enjoying writings and musings from others :-)

  15. I've posted a poem I wrote a few years ago, after a picnic in Arizona's San Francisco Peaks. Have a great week of poetry, everyone!

  16. I just posted a new limerick with clout. :) It also serves as a Limerick-Off challenge for those who need yet another poetry prompt. :) Limerick With Clout.


  17. Hello everyone! I truly hope all are having a great weekend. I posted for the first time and hope you all enjoy. Off to post comments on others poetry. Have fun and stay creative.

  18. 2 recent poems after not posting for about a month due to illness and some travel. Good to be back and looking forward to browsing the entries.

  19. Wow lots of postings here already! I look forward to reading!!

  20. Just posted the links to three of my poems. I look forward to reading some other members poems as well :)

  21. Oops correction, just posted the link to one poem from my blog that didn't get a lot of attention. I'll post links for two other poems this week.

  22. Poets United,

    My poem/prayer, is self explanatory!!


    (I thought that a comment left earlier today, had linked)

  23. so sorry for the delay in commenting on others' posts. {laptop problems} see you all asap.

  24. Poets United~ You rock! Thanks for all you do.

  25. 2 very different poems this week! May seek out an oldie too!

    Now to go visit!

  26. I've posted something I think more in terms of a lyric, but still... It was written on my way home from work while I lived in London a few years ago, after having seen a beggar in the tunnel leading to my platform. If you've never used the London tube, felt the oppressively warm air and the smell of the crowds... You are a lucky person!

    Thank you for the opportunity! I will 'make my rounds' to read and comment other entries this evening or tomorrow! / CC Champagne

  27. Oh, I'm putting something light and fun today. No big fuss. I tried to rhyme it, but since it's very late at night at my place and I'm tired, I gave up with the whole rhyming. I will come back tomorrow to read the other poems. Thank you by the way for the kind words that Marian left on one of my posts. I appreciate your welcoming and kind words. I'm happy to be here, although for the next few weeks I'll be busy with moving. I try to stay connected at least and maybe just read other people's poems even if I can't produce one. Have a wonderful week, everyone

  28. Just posted another link. This is an old poem that I really like. I just want to get some more feedback on it, so keep the comments coming! I'm really enjoying all the other poems that I've read so far.

  29. Thank you again, Poets United
    have a wonderful week.......

  30. And more thanks from me as well... This is a newer piece that I only posted yesterday, but wrote a few months ago.

  31. thanks!! have a great week everyone :)

  32. I'm just visiting people this week.

  33. posted a summer time beach poem today. looking forward to seeing what is in the pantry this week :)

  34. Looking forward to reading them all

  35. Thanks for hosting! I've added a few of my older poems which I would love to get a bit more exposure for. :)

  36. I'm once again back on the poetry scene after about a month away. Hope you will visit...

  37. I love being able to come here and share and read so many other good poets works. Thank you for being here for us.

  38. I love being able to come here and share and read so many other good poets works. Thank you for being here for us.

  39. poetry and Janis Joplin music videos ~ some great blues.

  40. And I wonder who's cooking up a storm from the ingredients in your Pantry today?! LOL

  41. P.S. Elizabeth, Susannah and I have been swapping ingredients again...

  42. Whoops been writing " wordles" which are great fun...cannot post direct link from IPAD. :( Ipad doesn't like Mr. Linky.... You will find 3 "wordles on my blog if you visit... Relaxing great fun...if you do them as puzzles letting words fall into scenes...


  43. Linked a reposted re-arranged homage to writing on- line
    originally prompted by a Poetic Asides prompt..... " After Leaving" the last prompt of an April poem-a-day challenge......


This community is not meant to be used in a negative manner. We ask that you be respectful of all the people on this site as each individual writer is entitled to their own opinion, style, and path to creativity.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

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