Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - # 82

The Poetry Pantry
2nd Chance Poems or 1st time shares

Anything goes!! All Poems, all Poets, All Week!!

Do you have a poem you would like to share? Something that you just felt inspired to write and want others to read. Perhaps it’s a poem that didn’t get as much exposure on your blog as you would have liked. Maybe it’s a poem that you wrote a long time ago that you would like people to revisit. That’s what this section of Poets United is for.

Each Sunday we start a new post with a New Mr. Linky for you. This is so that you can post a link to anything you want us to read, anything at all related to poetry or prose found on your own poetry blogs. It will remain open all week so that you can show us your writings and thoughts. You can post links weekly should you chose to do so. What poetry you put here is up to you so don't be afraid to share with us!!

There 3 simple rules:

1. Don’t link to more than 3 poems per week.

2. Please visit some of the other poems linked here when you link to yours.

3. Leave a comment after you have posted
your link.


  1. And we're off! Looking forward to this week's contributions.

  2. Written for Real Toads and shared here. Hope next week treats you all very well, as it's back to work for me.

  3. Have fun this week folks - be happy!

    Anna :o]

  4. I submitted one I wrote for dVerse and another for Carry on Tuesday -- both from the past couple days. Hope everyone has a great writing week!

  5. "...anything at all related to poetry or prose ..."

    I'll try a haibun.

  6. First time at the Pantry. Just thought I'd have a go!

  7. Each day - a small victory! I've just figured out how to link to a specific poem rather than my home page! And it was so easy, too...oh, well, what can I say? I'm just an amateur :-)

  8. Poets United,

    A few offerings for this Sunday Pantry.

    Happy New Year to You All,

  9. May our good intentions turn into good deeds! Happy New Year!

  10. Happy New Year
    Have a great week.

  11. Something on the little bit different side for me so a very much different blog this time; I will be interested to see if this one rolls onto the blog-roll ...just in case it doesn't,"IT'S BEEN MY EXPERIENCE" can be found at:

  12. hello everyone,,,, really glad I can join here again.... mind if you read my newest post? it would be great if you give me any suggestion in increasing my writing skill. God Bless You... :)

  13. Tossed in two more for good measure!

  14. Hello friends. Happy New Year!
    Looks like there a party happening here...I'm in! ;-)

    Have a great week ahead everyone!

    Take Me Under Your Special Wings

  15. Happy New Year everyone! Glad to share our poems here.

  16. Hi Everyone. Joined your wonderful site yesterday and have posted my first poem in Poetry Pantry - what a great idea! Some fantastic poems here, thanks all for sharing.

  17. looking forward to reading new poems!
    -Erick Flores

  18. Thank you Robert for helping me to link my post.

  19. I love to share some my poetry at The Poetry Picnic. Come and visit my new weblog about Matsuo Basho, a haiku poet, just like me.

  20. I have published another one on my other weblog. Come and visit me there.

  21. I posted a poem that I co-wrote with my wife Sara. I hope you enjoy!

  22. Inspired! Hope you enjoy my recent submission. Now, off to read some of yours.


This community is not meant to be used in a negative manner. We ask that you be respectful of all the people on this site as each individual writer is entitled to their own opinion, style, and path to creativity.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

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