Sunday, September 24, 2017

Poetry Pantry #372

Photos Taken Along the Bay Trail
by Bekkie Sanchez

A lone century plant blooms amongst the anise (or fennel.)
These do not grow along the Bay Tail but this one did. The birds and I love it.

A sea monster at the Magic Mountain Playground in the Coyote Point
park tried to steal away with my bicycle!

Coyote Point is a state park of Eucalyptus trees with a harbor, a museum,
 a large playground for children and more with trails running throughout.

Morning (and sparkling water) at Coyote Point
overlooking the San Mateo bridge.

This water fountain at the Oracle company was dry for years.
Now that the drought is over it’s back. What I like
 is when you look closely at the water on the rocks it
 makes beautiful patterns with the light.

There are a group of at least 6 snowy egrets in these trees.
They like to hide out and even sit in trees when not hunting up food.

Greetings, Friends!  The photos in Poetry Pantry today are courtesy of our biker Poet Bekkie Sanchez, who took them along the Bay Trail in California.  The words are Bekkie's as well.  I love that she photographed places that she saw as she biked, don't you?  Sherry will be featuring her interview with Bekkie soon.  Stay tuned!

This week many of you wrote poetry to Susan's Midweek Motif prompt - "Peace." A very apt prompt for the week when the world celebrated the International Day of Peace. Next week Sumana's prompt will be "Rising Above."

Friday Rosemary featured the poem "It Was Long Ago" by Eleanor Farjeon!  A very nostalgic poem - a lovely feature. Check it out, if you haven't.

Be sure to return on Monday to read an interview with another poet fairly new to Poets United, though certainly not to writing poetry.  Smiles.

With no delay, let's share poetry.  Link your poem below.  Stop in and say hello in the comments. And then visit the poems of others who have posted!  See you on the trail.


  1. I love the images. Brings som sunshine to my cloudy skies

  2. Such gorgeous pictures! Happy Sunday, everyone💕

  3. Thank you for another pantry - happy Sunday to all

  4. Hi everyone, shall look forward to reading some poetry later. Again some great pics, thank you for sharing those


  5. Greetings Sherry and All,

    A lovely sunny Sunday morning here and after a very hectic Summer, finally some new poems published on my site this week, including one for Dylan Thomas.

    Hope you enjoy and looking forward to seeing what you’ve all been up to, since the last time I came around – Good to be back and love the brightness in Bekkie’s photos too…

  6. Good morning again, friends!! I am loving the very warm summery autumn we are having. It inspired me to write an autumn poem. Looking forward to reading your poetry today!

  7. Wow Bekkie these are wonderful glad you shared them! Looking forward to the interview and reading poetry today as the heat and humidity is unbearable here and I will be indoors.....on our 4th week of summer weather a month or 2 too late.

  8. The second photo is my favourite today. Happy Sunday

    much love...

  9. Wishing a good day to all! I like the photo of the fountain. If you look closely at the rocks you might see an image or am I the only one who see it?

    1. I see lots of images in the rocks. The sunlight and waves over the rocks makes many pictures I'll take a break, sit and watch them. What did you see?

  10. Good morning, poet friends. I love the very name "Coyote Point" and hope there are still elusive coyotes around, deeper in the woods. Thanks, Mary, for hosting. I am looking forward to poetry this morning.

    1. I love the name too but there's no coyote's there anymore just lines of cars paying to get in at $5 a pop. Since I'm on my bike I go where I please. I would so love to go back in time and see it all as it was.

  11. I'm happy everyone is enjoying the photos I'm lucky to have such beautiful places to ride my bike. Thank you, Mary, for posting them.

    Going to go do some reading after linking my older poem. Have a great Sunday!

  12. Hey! This is my first time here and been enjoying reading everyone's poetry. And lovely photos:)

  13. Thank you, Mary and everybody. Nice turnout.


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