Honouring our poetic ancestors
The Four Winds
South wind said to the palms:
lovers sing me psalms;
are they as warm as those
Laylah's lover knows?
North wind said to the firs:
have my worshippers;
are they as keen as hers?
East wind said to the cedars:
friends are no seceders;
is their faith to me
firm as his faith must be?
West wind said to the yews:
children are pure as dews;
what of her lover's muse?
to spite the summer weather
four winds howled together.
a great Voice from above
What do you know of love?
you think all nature worth
littlest life upon earth?
made the germ and the ant,
tiger and elephant.
the least of these there is more
your elemental war.
the lovers whom ye slight
precious in my sight.
to your mischief-brewing!
love to watch their wooing.
all this Laylah heard
a word.
lay beneath the trees
her lover at her knees.
sang of God above
of love.
lay at his side
at set of sun
were one.
they slept her pure smile curled;
bless all lovers in the World!"
so say I the self-same word;
Nor doubt God heard.
Aleister Crowley is better known as a famous magician, author of magical books and creator (with artist Lady Frieda Harris) of the beautiful Thoth Tarot deck, than as a poet. He was also a novelist, a painter and a mountaineer. However, he did write quite a lot of poems too. Their diction is musical, but the style has dated and the language often seems rather flowery now.
I chose this one to share with you because of the touch of humour. If you'd like to look at others, there is a collection at PoemHunter.
Although this one seems fanciful rather than magical, I'm interested to see that it includes the four directions which magicians evoke in ritual.
Crediting God with approving of the lovers is a very Crowley attitude. He was a notorious figure in his day, for his libertine lifestyle as much as for openly espousing magic as his religion. A flamboyant character, who appears to have been very egotistical, I think he quite liked to play up to his bad press. He is also said to have been highly charismatic.
He was for a time a member of the Golden Dawn, an order of ceremonial magicians which included some famous names (even the great poet, W. B. Yeats). It was a very secretive order. Crowley fell out with them, and after he left he offended them further by publishing their secrets. He also studied Hindu and Buddhist teachings, claimed to have been a Freemason, and went on to found his own religion of magic, Thelema. Later still he was initiated into the Ordo Templi Orientus (O.T.O.) and blended those teachings with the Thelemic.
The magical societies I mention are still famous, and Crowley is still known in magical circles as having been an innovative teacher. He was, in his life, an influence on Gerald Gardner, who is regarded as the father of the Wiccan revival. Some contemporary Pagans like to refer to him with a sort of ironic affection as Uncle Al, acknowledging his contribution to the lore. In his own day, his detractors imputed all sorts of evil to him, and dubbed him The Great Beast.
A widely travelled man, he also worked for the British Intelligence Service, probably since his student days at Cambridge, and particularly during World War I when he lived in America. He was a double agent, who infiltrated the pro-German movement in New York. This required him to publicly espouse that cause, which added to his bad press.
He also had a long-lasting heroin addiction, after being prescribed it in 1920 to treat asthma.
Life didn't go well for Crowley in the end. Although he had been wealthy and influential, he died in poverty and illness, much of it brought about by his own choices – but the fact that he lived to 72 is perhaps surprising, considering his lifestyle.
Despite glaring flaws of character, he also had some good qualities such as courage, enterprise and intellect. He had a serious devotion to both magic and writing. He was a prolific writer. Although his poetry received a mixed reception critically, much of it was acclaimed in its day.
I think that, by now, this poet is more interesting than his poetry – though this rather fed-up piece strikes a chord:
Kill off mankind,
And give the Earth a chance!
Nature might find
In her inheritance
The seedlings of a race
Less infinitely base.
Posterity seems to agree with my assessment, as his magical texts are still available from Amazon and Google but his poetry is harder to find. Yet I still meet people who profess to admire his poetry. He undoubtedly had facility with rhyme, metre and heightened language. If you wish to judge for yourself, there are also some poems at the AllPoetry site – not so many as at PoemHunter, but presented in a way that's even easier to navigate and read.

It begins with them disagreeing vehemently on his poetic status!
That might be a good place to leave this controversial figure.
Poems and photos posted to 'The Living Dead' for purposes of study and review remain the property of the copyright holders.
Hahahah! You can now add me to his fans. I confess that I often have trepidation on reading (and writing) long poems, hoping something will hook me early on so I want more. (My experiments with that are rarely successful. But Crowley's depiction of the 4 winds as very human like jealous whiners who cannot appreciate what they have did just that--and I love how the actual humans come off better in that poem In the next, he treats them in reverse. Love. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteRosemary, what a wonderfully researched and thorough look at this poet, whom I had not heard of. He does sound like a character. Poets are nothing if not unconventional, LOL. What an amazing life he led, he sounds very busy and he managed to write as well. Wow. Thanks for this, and happy Friday, kiddo.
ReplyDeleteHe was a colorful character indeed and I feel sorry for his sad end. I like the rhythm of the first one and totally agree with what he says in the second one. The earth must be given a chance...wow...well said...thanks for this wonderful post...
ReplyDeleteThis was a very interesting article, Rosemary. I liked the details of his life ....he sounds like a fascinating person, and his poetry is quite unique.
ReplyDeleteCuriously I worked for some years with Watney's the brewer in the UK at their brewery in Hampshire. This was a brewery they had taken over from the former owners Crowley! I don't think there was a relationship however when the history of the brewery was being written in the 1950's any association with Aleister Crowley was carefully avoided!
ReplyDeleteamazing person.
ReplyDeletethis is the first time i have read his poems. :)
Not everyone's cup of tea, but obviously there are plenty who still enjoy his flavour – and he is part of our collective history.
ReplyDeleteThank you Rosemary. You wrote such an interesting and fair piece. As I was reading I wondered if there is a movie about him. I think it would be a hit. But the books must be fascinating to read too. Enjoyed his poetry, especially the second one. I sometimes feel like that myself. Ha. Thanks again Rosemary, enjoyed this thoroughly.