Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Poetry Pantry Is Now Open! - #57

The Poetry Pantry
2nd Chance Poems or 1st time shares

Anything goes!! All Poems, all Poets, All Week!!

Do you have a poem you would like to share? Something that you just felt inspired to write and want others to read. Perhaps it’s a poem that didn’t get as much exposure on your blog as you would have liked. Maybe it’s a poem that you wrote a long time ago that you would like people to revisit. That’s what this section of Poets United is for.

Each Sunday we start a new post with a New Mr. Linky for you. This is so that you can post a link to anything you want us to read, anything at all related to poetry or prose found on your own poetry blogs. It will remain open all week so that you can show us your writings and thoughts. You can post links weekly should you chose to do so. What poetry you put here is up to you so don't be afraid to share with us!!

There 3 simple rules:

1. Don’t link to more than 3 poems per week.

2. Please visit some of the other poems linked here when you link to yours.

3. Leave a comment after you have posted
your link.


  1. Wishing everyone a very happy Sunday. I'm looking forward to many wonderful poems to read in the pantry.

  2. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity :)

  3. Happy Sunday to everyone and have a wonderful day!!!

  4. looking forward to this weeks offering:)

  5. Good to be here again. :-)

    Happy Sunday everyone.

  6. hello friends! beautiful sunday.

  7. Poets United,

    A problem with Blogger, prevented me posting my comment at the time of posting my poem.

    My poem is a very personal observation of the sad situation in my country of birth, during the season of summer every year.

  8. blogger is having issues! hang in there everyone! so annoying.

  9. Have a beautiful Sunday and enjoy the week-end!

  10. My piece was prompted by photos I took earlier this year in Malaga, Spain.

  11. This one is going to be in the Summer 2011 edition of Poetry Quarterly. :-)

  12. Have been writing intermittently and need a good kick to get back on track. This is the first poem in almost a month.

  13. 3 poems

    1- to my wife as i grow older

    2- to erin

    3 - someone's mother

  14. Hey everyone, just discovered this website. Looks awesome! I'm excited to read some new poetry!

  15. Happy to be a part of this! // Peter.

  16. Mine is another in my ongoing series of summer memories...

  17. I'm new to Poets United and this is my first time trying this. Looking forward to reading these poems.

  18. I'm taking part in the River of Stones July 2011m this year and this is my Small Stone #11.

  19. My first p[oem is a tribute to Leonard Cohen's "Suzanne". I am still deciding what other poem to add!

  20. Take the first three! I'm taking the easy way out!

  21. Once in a while, the writer falls in love with a poem. This was one of those times.

  22. here's to a great week!

  23. Wow..nice collection of great writers! :) love it! :)

  24. Oh dear ... I am getting later and later. Forgive me, construction is coming down to the wire and leaves me little time at the moment. I look forward to "reads" here.

  25. Thank you very much for including me in this community. This is my first week here and I look forward to exploring. My first link is to a poem called Liminal Spaces about the process/role of the artist/writer. The second poem, Round Numinous Volumes is a contemporary/experimental poem. Anna Montgomery

  26. really glad, that I can join again here.. would love to read all amazing poem.... :D

  27. Thank you again for hosting this great link exchange. :)

  28. My first time here. Thanks for the opportunity.

  29. Thanks for giving us an opportunity to share!

  30. this is a poem I started many years ago, and just came back to for the editing process recently. comments would be really appreciated!

  31. I love seeing the poets I follow here.

    California Ink in Motion

  32. cool to see such crowds, Happy Monday.

  33. Hello! Fellow Poets.. glad to see you all here in the pantry taking dose of not caffeine but great dose of poetry.

  34. Thank you to all once again for organising this for us to take part in and enjoy reading everyone's talents.

  35. Ah! I see I'm in disguise?! My alter ego Penny got in on the act...LOL

  36. Hi

    Nine new poems inspired by Poetic Aside Wednesday prompt "Sound"

  37. excited to read some poetry & get some comments on my new piece

  38. Yay!! I will be stopping in to check out some of your thingies! :D


This community is not meant to be used in a negative manner. We ask that you be respectful of all the people on this site as each individual writer is entitled to their own opinion, style, and path to creativity.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

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