Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Thursday Think Tank #58 - Nighttime

Most glorious night!
                 Thou wert not sent for slumber!
~Lord Byron

What does the night mean to you? For some it is nothing more than a time when darkness sets in and it is time for sleep. Then there are others who thrive at night. There are those that discover, create and live within the night. The night plays host to a million burdens, beasts, passions and experiences and that is only what may occur with the first few fingers of darkness touching us.

When the midnight hour is upon the world do you sleep? Do you find yourself in a small corner of your house enjoying the privacy while reading by candlelight or do you cower hoping that vampires, werewolves and lord knows what else are just fantasies? Maybe you are the predator at night, maybe it is you who skulks in the darkness searching for your next victim. Better yet do you attend Cocktail Parties, Pot Lucks, and Dance Clubs or frequent a wonderfully seedy establishment drowned in the stench of bourbon and cigarette smoke. What do you do at night?

Hawthorne once said “Moonlight is sculpture” and I couldn’t agree more. For me the night is a time for the imagination to let loose and run wild. What will you write when you think of nighttime, will you find a passionate love story to tell, perhaps a romantic rendezvous? The options and ideas for this week’s prompt are limitless. Sit back and think of the night. Think of sunset and moonlight. Think even of the first rays of light peaking over the horizon and then write. Write what comes to you.

We look forward to reading and living the life that is inspired in your pen by the darkness.

If you have a prompt idea (even a Music or Film inspired one) that you would like to suggest or share with us please send it to . We keep a folder set aside with all your suggestions and just might use it one day.

There 3 simple rules:

1. Don’t link to more than 3 poems per week.

2. Please visit some of the other poems linked here when you link to yours.

3. Leave a comment after you have posted your link.


  1. all about sleeping or waking, or falling asleep-what's been on my mind lately? lol.

  2. Thank you for the prompt and the opportunity to explore other poets' work.

  3. Poets United,

    Not only separated by time zones, day and night, but separated by creative differences......


  4. I can't resist this post. I am absolutely in love with nighttime. :) It's when I write. It's the time when I can be me. :) Thanks!!

  5. well... at nights i just stare at the sky and counting the stars and thinking of so many things and so many ideas that hit my mind...

  6. just wrote about summer nights...prose...sorry

  7. being the Tired Monk I often write of night

  8. This sonnet I wrote as to do with the darkenss within. Enjoy

  9. Wrote this earlier in the week. Will focus on something new and post another soon...

  10. Just wrote a short one for the prompt and gave a link to an older one that came straight to mind. :-)

  11. I had nightime on my mind before you suggested it!

  12. These come around so quickly, reminds me of just how time does fly!

  13. And another offering on the same nocturnal subject...

  14. Night time reminds me of Summer nights out late in the city. London is wondrously beautiful in the night because of all the lights and reflections, especially by the riversides :)

  15. Once I got my head wrapped right, I liked the prompt and the result,


  16. I also have an older piece that this prompt brought to mind,


  17. What kind of bird are you? Morning Owl, Hummingbird or Night Owl?! I had fun with this one~

  18. I started this poem yesterday, and fits the prompt. Serendipity, I love it.


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  20. This was a delightful prompt - I loved where it took me. :) Thanks!

    A Georgia Nocturne

  21. Compliments on the post. My response is in place.

  22. My poem is based on the words of a fortune cookie, with a theme that has much to do with night.

  23. love the night! if time permits, there's another poem coming to the surface. {smile} thank you for the pleasure of participating.

  24. this is my second submission ~ i had forgotten that the very first poem i posted on my blog was a haiku/senryu titled "night descends" so i have reposted it for submission to this prompt. i hope that's okay. thank you. dani ♥

  25. Living reasonably close to the recent events in Oslo, Norway, this prompt hit home with me in a bad way. Please read my entry and think/pray or show your respect for the more than 90 dead at the hands of a madman. Thank you!

  26. Greetings

    Thanks to Bach



  27. Nighttime, is my favorite time of the day, and dreaming my favorite activity, day or night. :-)

  28. I decided to post two, although the second one is about the evening of a soul, and not night itself.

  29. My contribution to Poets United


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